A Short film Written, directed and produced by Tonia Mishiali. Official selections at Sarajevo Film Festival, Dresden Film Festival, Encounters Short Film and Animation Festival, Drama Short Film Festival, International Short Film Festival of Cyprus. Won BEST FILM award and BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY award for George Rahmatoulin at the International Short Film Festival of Cyprus 2014 (National Competition). Visit http://lullabyofthebutterfly.com/awards-nominations/ for the list of official festival selections, screenings and awards. Duration: 19'54" Country of production: Cyprus Production company: Zipcode production&design ltd Logline: Following a mysterious phone call, a woman grabs a kitchen knife and sets out on a journey to an unknown destination, leaving ‘her life’ behind. Synopsis: A woman receives a mysterious phone call; that same night she has trouble sleeping, tormented with thoughts. Early the next day she abandons her house and sets out on a journey to an unknown destination, carrying a kitchen knife in her bag. After driving all day, she parks her car at a remote location and waits for someone… something… in the middle of the night…