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TOP 15 TIPS submitting film to festival | Budget with me | Anna Barsukova Cinematic vlog

Hey everybody! Welcome to Anna Barsukova's cinematic vlog 🎬. In this video, I will share my TOP 15 TIPS submitting film to festival, how to submit short film...

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HEMPNOLOTY 101 – Let’s Go Pro – Season (2) We are Hempnotic Farms and we are seeking 1000 individuals that would like to take part in the making of the (2019) Hemp Cultivation Season of Hempnotic Farms, Hempnology 101. We are starting from new. Brand new farm, brand new location, everything brand new. 80-acres of CBD-rich Hemp/Cannabis on what will be one of the most innovative vertical hemp cultivations in the United States. By the end of the harvest season, we are looking to have a full year’s worth of amazing cannabis creating footage of everything it takes to create and run a multi-million dollar CBD-Hemp agricultural business. Each week we will take 2 teams of 10, a filming crew and a talent crew, fly them to Nevada (flight to Vegas or Reno crew responsibility), then bring them to the farm, where we will film 5-days each week, everything we do to get the farm up and running, from bare land to green gold. Both teams will be split down to (2) 5 – man teams each, film crews filming and talent crews will be labor. Film Crews – Each day crew will switch positions, (Director/DP, Sound, Grip/Lighting, Director’s Assistant, & Gaffer), filming all activities performed by their assigned talent crew. Director will be responsible for all footage and recordings for his particular day and will provide a fully-edited episode minus music, of the entire days-worth of recordings within 30-days after leaving the farm. (Each day a copy of all raw footage must be turned in to Hempnotic Farms) Everyone has their day and everyone is responsible for the completion of their particular day’s footage. By the end of the season, we will have a collective of 500 single days episodes with 500 uniquely different filming styles of 100 different 5-person talent crews, living, learning, working, & playing together for 1 amazing week of Hemp farming experience. Everyone shares in the creation and everyone reaps the rewards. $2500 gets you in to this amazing opportunity and your week earns you at minimum $5000 to $50,000 guaranteed based on hemp end of season sales alone. That’s correct, for your participation, you share in the hemp profits. No other project offers you this type of opportunity. Please patiently continue as I help you to understand a little about the business of CBD Hemp Farming and how we can guarantee profits. Let’s start with how ridiculous the demand for CBD products is over its actual current supply and how ridiculously exaggerated the price is because of it. A 1oz 1000mg bottle of CBD oil retails at minimum for $60 and more often upwards of $120 per bottle. It’s a product that most shops can’t keep in stock, and as is the nature of the beast, anything with this much demand and limited supply, spawns weaker versions of itself which still sell at elevated prices. 1000 bottles of CBD oil at 1000mg per bottle can be created from 1 kilo of CBD distillate. 1 kilo of CBD distillate sells at the farm level, minimum $5k per kilo and as much as $15k when demand is high. 1 acre of land produces on average 10 kilos of CBD distillate. Stay with me now… So the figures are minimum, $50k per acre farm level wholesale, and for a vertical hemp farming operation, (vertical definition - from seed to sow to packaging to retail sale), up to $600,000.00 retail at a minimum price of $60/bottle. (10 kilos CBD=10,000 bottles 1000mg CBD oil (x) $60/bottle = $600k) Of course, with numbers like this, every farmer and there grand-dad are attempting to grow a few acres of hemp to supplement their seasonal crops, if not altogether making it their cash crop. Problem is that it’s been illegal to grow it for most of the current generational farmer’s lives and most have no idea what they are doing. Hence a weaker product. Hence a greater demand for the premium quality CBD products. Now, technically, everyone isn’t allowed to grow hemp. It is still illegal to grow on the industrial level without a license. Therefore, for the next few years, those few that can get licensed and have an inkling of what they are doing, have an amazing opportunity to make a ridiculous amount of profit, while providing an enormous percentage of people with an alternative to pharmaceutical medicines. You can easily research this on your own, but I’ve made it even simpler by giving you a link to one of my original pitch decks. Again, in addition to our regular grows, we are offering 1000 people to take part in an 80 acre grow, where we will teach from scratch exactly how to take a patch of Nevada land, and create a vertical hemp farming empire. Filmed in its entirety, we will not just profit from the creation of this amazing product, we will not just provide a premium medicinal solution that helps numerous men, women, children, and pets live less stressful, less painful lives. We will also make one heck of a documentary, that may elevate many of us in our film making careers, if by no other means than multiplying your initial $2500 fee, which in turn allows you to fund a much larger personal project later. Isn’t this exactly how we want our investments to work? Fund small this year, to go bigger next… (Purchase Crew Now) (Purchase Talent Now) THE PROJECT Crew 2 teams of (5) Director, Assistant Director, Sound, Grip, Gaffer. For 5-days the film crew will take turns in every position, 1 position each day, until the week is done and we end of with 5 different daily episodes per team, with the director taking charge of that particular day’s footage, with a completed episode due 30-days after he leaves the farm. Talent 2 teams of (5) Actors will be the actual labor and spend their week living, learning, and performing the daily task of Hemp Farming Life. From sunrise to sunset and after, your life on the farm will be recorded in efforts to create an end product that not only teaches but entertains through the everyday example of what the raising hemp life is really like. Each week we will have 10 separate episodes from 10 different director’s perspectives and style. Hempnotic Farms will then take those finished products and edit them down to one single episode per week giving us 40 to 50 weekly episodes by the end of the season. 75% of any proceeds from this film will be equally shared by all and credit for each episode be shared by the teams that create them. Hempnotic Farms reserves all rights for the project and although we will allow the airing of each team’s particular episodes on their personal social media sites after a specified release date (with certain limitations), all footage will remain the property of Hempnotic Farms, and should be treated with discretion as such. This opportunity is for a very limited time and only available for a limited few on the 1st come 1st serve basis. Available travel dates as well on the 1st paid 1st pick basis. Act now by placing your 10% deposit down to hold your place. (Purchase Crew Now) (Purchase Talent Now) For more information, go to:

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