Produced by Moonlake Entertainment/Aikon MT Directed by Hannes M. Schalle Edited by Günther Mitterhuber Music & Sound Design by Roman Schönbichler (Upperception Sounds) Mixing & Mastering by Martin Löcker
Working with this amazing plugin called Groth for this feature film and bending some frequencies to give it a more dramatic contrast with the cello. Underneath this, I also layered in some drones from...
Copyright 2021 #livivingthedream #ardy #noriginal #music #lyrics #lyricsvideo #lyricssong #kids #songwriter #filam #hollywood #inspiration #dreambig #performer #followmeardy #songs #originalmusic #you...
Produced by Moonlake Entertainment/Aikon MT Directed by Hannes M. Schalle Edited by Günther Mitterhuber Music & Sound Design by Roman Schönbichler (Upperception Sounds) Mixing & Mastering by Martin Löcker