Stressed on broadway - emily fletcher on the power of meditation | Douglas Eby

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Stressed on Broadway - Emily Fletcher on the power of meditation

Emily Fletcher – founder of Ziva Meditation – notes “Stress is actually keeping you from performing at the top of your game. I tend to work with a lot of high actors will say to me, ‘Emily, I need my stress…this is where my art comes from.’ “But here’s the news – stress is not helping you in the performance department. As a matter of fact, stress makes you stupid.” She adds, Meditation is "a tool to help de-excite your nervous system & get rid of stress, which is going to help you perform at the top of your game...I found meditation during my 10-year career on Broadway.” Emily Fletcher ~~~ "As a creative and performer you need to be in touch with your inner space and sense of self...Meditation is the practice of being present and aware of the in-the-now moment with equanimity." Mihaela Ivan Holtz, Psy.D., LMFT See much more (including videos) in article "Meditation and Mindfulness for less stress and more energy: ZivaMind"

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