Beautiful anime sequence rescored - "the night sky" - composed by josh kashdan | Seth Kashdan

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Beautiful Anime Sequence Rescored - "The Night Sky" - Composed by Josh Kashdan

This is my own score in response to a sequence of Anime Clips. Original Sound Design/ Emotional/ Orchestral/ Ambient Music is featured on this video. All credit for this wonderful edit of anime clips goes to YouTuber: Landa N. Original video is found at: (Features different music from Attack On Titan) For this video I have composed my own piece - The Night Sky, which is a personal reflection/ reaction to this beautiful content. The Anime scenes were used from the following Anime's: 1-Nerawareta Gakuen 2- Cross road 3-Kotonoha no Niwa 4-Your Name 君の名は (Trailer New Movie 2016) 5-Dareka no Manazashi 6-Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann

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