#38, scythe stab! ... c d | Artisan James

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#38, Scythe Stab! ... C D

Just a new movement, with a neat little sound effect and all! What I'm doing is just a template, a starting point for concept awareness. I don't want to play the new antagonist in my original horror spec. I'm just the writer. Somebody else can do that... like a pro actor or stunt guy/ athletic... with a little more stature than myself that can really pull off the role and elevate it even further, but the screenplay does exist, see the CD Script Teaser now @ > https://www.stage32.com/media/2353610449850737327?ref=search&autoplay=1 ...Also on Instagram & Twitter... Stay Safe & Keep Creating. It will recede. April 29, 2020 --- REPLAY

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