On the verge of losing his family, a struggling boxer breaks into an apartment complex to score quick cash and makes an ill-fated discovery that forces him into a dangerous confrontation. Directed by Thomas C. Gaunt http://redmazethemovie.com
Welcome to Season 1 of Indie Writer's Block. This is episode 10. For this episode, Indie Filmmaker Mirzamlk sits down to answer our 5 questions. He gives some great advice to young filmmakers while an...
It’s 2017. Another unarmed kid has just been shot and killed by the police. People everywhere are outraged. Brandon Billips, a rookie African American officer has just joined the Oakland Police Depa...
On the verge of losing his family, a struggling boxer breaks into an apartment complex to score quick cash and makes an ill-fated discovery that forces him into a dangerous confrontation. Directed by Thomas C. Gaunt http://redmazethemovie.com