Thick skin | Robinson Vil

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Robinson Vil

Thick Skin

[A series by Robinson Vil] - Throughout her life, "Olivia" has had to learn to figure out things on her own, as her mother "Naomi" with whom she has a very tumultuous relationship is not around to guide her through life. Olivia is anti-social and has a hard time getting along with others. She is also very pretty, thereby attracts unwanted attention from all types of men, who inevitably become major factors in the THICKening of her SKIN, by developing an alter-ego who comes to help and protect her when things get really rough. In the Series, "Olivia" refuses to fully open up to her therapist, due to her past experiences with men and only reveals parts of her stories (and the rest is revealed in flashbacks). Things begin to change for the better for Olivia when she meets "Patrick" the Doctor's 17-year-old son. She slowly begins to open up to him, which puts their new relationship in jeopardy, as some secrets and memories are best left forgotten. When Olivia becomes pregnant with Patrick's child, Dr. Gabriel goes into a frenzy that leads him down a dark path as "Every Good Has Its Evil". Olivia and Dr. Gabriel will push each other to their breaking points. More skeletons from the past begin to emerge and they will undoubtedly leave a stench.

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