V.2 (Jan/2019) 2019 Release, w/ film festival laurels Distribution Canada: Factory Film Studio (http://www.factoryfilmstudio.com) Educational Distribution N. America: Moving Images (https://www.movingimages.ca/)
Letters to the Pope: One Man's Quest for the Truth is a documentary film which tells the true story of babies stolen and sold all from the same nursery in Valencia, Spain who then meet as adults and t...
For fun i took the trailer of the film i made on Tubi Baby Cat and added some review clips from letterbxd to do an old fasioned Review Bomb style trailer. Had some fun. if you want you can review baby...
V.2 (Jan/2019) 2019 Release, w/ film festival laurels Distribution Canada: Factory Film Studio (http://www.factoryfilmstudio.com) Educational Distribution N. America: Moving Images (https://www.movingimages.ca/)