New trailer of followleadlove ( a shift of roles...a chance to transform...) !! | Brian Rubiano

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Brian Rubiano
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New Trailer of FollowLeadLOVE ( a shift of roles...a chance to transform...) !!

Please consider making tax deductible contributions to this relevant and timely film project via Fractured Atlas 501 (c) (3) Link: or become one of our investor partners. Contact Brian Rubiano (producer) at Brief Synopsis: Witness the triumphs and tribulations both on and off the dance floor of a queer African-American male and an aging Asian female broadway veteran who joined forces to once and for all help break the barriers of the world of ballroom competition of male to lead and female to follow. FollowLeadLOVE is a film that transcends beyond the world of dance where ballroom competition only serves as a backdrop to reflect social issues that parallels our today’s society such as inclusiveness, diversity, acceptance, female empowerment & equality. FollowLeadLOVE Director: Award Winning Brianthomasfilms Producer: Brian Rubiano Production Asst/Social Media Manager: Mason Chapello Film Subjects: Abdiel Cedric Jacobsen & Kristine Bendul #documentary #documentaries #socialdocumentary #producerslife #documentaryfilmmaker #documentaryfilm #documentaryfilms #directing #filmmaker #filmmaking #filmakers #filmdirector #independentfilm #fundraise #fundraiser #raisemoney #fundraising #filminvestors #behindthescenes

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