Paranormal underground magazine; the backbone of the next truth | Maria Anna Van Driel

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Paranormal Underground Magazine; The Backbone of The Next Truth

It was July 2020 that the very first podcast of “The Next Truth; Where Science and Myth Meet” was recorded and broadcasted! Ever since renowned scientists, TV and radio celebrities', bestselling authors, dimensional researchers and dedicated citizen scientists have been guests in radio show of The Next truth. Discussing their incredible research during the radio-show, we explore these awe-inspiring theories and mind dazzling paradoxes in order to bridge the gap between the general public, young people and scientists. We are searching for the lost information what is meant to connect the accepted and noetic science! Listen to our radio-show and explore the most important question in all sciences..."What if?" I'm your host Maria Anna van Driel and 7 months ago I had the privilege to speak with Cheryl Knight-Wilson and Chad Wilson who are the founders and owners of Paranormal Underground magazine. Not only are Cheryl and Chad’s magazine and podcasts your connection to the paranormal world as they are covering a wide variety of topics that are beyond the scope of normal scientific understanding… they are also the backbone of The Next Truth! Without their support, courage and energy… The Next Truth would never been born in the first place. *** Parananormal Underground Magazine/Podcasts: The Next Truth Website TNT-ONLINE RADIO, Blog posts, Testimonials, Our goal, For print-on-demand & digital issues of the magazine, visit: Thank you for hitting the like button on MagCloud, Face Book, LinkedIn and/or Twitter and/or subscribing to the TNT You Tube channel

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