Antoni-a trailer | Miguel Miller

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Special 'On Stage with RB' Webcast - Talking TV!

This is "Special 'On Stage with RB' Webcast - Talking TV!" with RB and manager Spencer Robinson - the first few minutes of the screen are black, but switches to video right after.


Dramatic, ( to pay homage to the Maestro )

Miguel Miller

ANTONI-A Trailer

Antoni-a is a cross-dresser sex worker with a troubled past that we discover while formidable detective Ana Frank is interrogating her. Bloodied and beaten, Antoni-a relays the harrowing events that caused her bruises and Mr. Silverman, her John’s death. On a routine night working the streets, she comes across a familiar face looking for sex. Antoni-a quivers initially, but, decides to get into the John’s car. Inside the motel room, a skittish Antoni-a and a reassured Mr. Silverman kiss passionately. The more they kiss and grope one another, the more Antoni-a wonders if the man responsible for her near-daily beatings when she was 7 recognizes her. Detective Frank carefully probes for more details, possibly a motive. Antoni-a encroaches with incriminating information. She speaks about her father being embarrassed by his gay son and the shame it brings to the family. After hours of interrogation, Ana un-cuffs a bewildered Antoni-a. The formidable detective softens to Antoni-a and offers her a motherly hand.

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