Eyes in the sky - leander vyvey. short documentary film | Chus Alonso

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EYES IN THE SKY - Leander Vyvey. Short documentary film

Leander Vyvey have been professional kitesurfer since long time ago. He has been KPWT Vice World Champion kitesurfing (2008 and 2009 ) and 4 times Belgium champion. Now he return to kitesurfing again after 3 years without being able to kite because of a serious injury . Taking advantage of this forced break, and his experience traveling over the world's best spots for kitesurf, he created his own project: the company WindfishPro, and organize trips to kite spots around the world, specially to Dakhla in Morocco. Leander ( sponsored before by BEST Kiteboarding ) recently joined to # WAINMANN HAWAII, and we wanted to take advantage of the global presentation of its new kite # maniac to tell this story, the story of his return to the world of kite at the highest level , even though doctors told him he would never do it again. The video was shot between Tarifa and Marbella, in winter, and quite difficult recording conditions . January and February are difficult months for kiting here : strong wind , rain, cold ... but we think it was worth the effort. Hope you like it! Share it!! Leander Vyvey, es kitesurfer profesional desde hace muchos años. Ha sido 2 veces subcampeón del mundo del circuito mundial KPWT en freestyle (2008 y 2009) y 4 veces campeón de Bélgica. Ahora vuelve a hacer kitesurf después de 3 años sin poder hacer kite por una grave lesión. Aprovechando este parón forzoso, y su experiencia viajando por los mejores lugares del mundo para hacer kite, creó su propio proyecto, su empresa WindfishPro, con la que organiza viajes de kite por todo el planeta, especialmente a Dakhla en Marruecos. Leander (antes fichado por BEST Kiteboarding), fichó recientemente por #WAINMAN HAWAII, y hemos querido aprovechar el lanzamiento mundial de su nueva cometa #maniaC para contaros su historia, la historia de su regreso al mundo del kite al más alto nivel, aún cuando los médicos le decían que nunca más podría volver a hacerlo. El video fue filmado entre Tarifa y Marbella, en pleno invierno, y con condiciones de grabación bastante difíciles. Enero y Febrero son meses muy complicados aquí para hacer kite: fuerte viento, lluvia, frío,...pero creemos que ha merecido la pena el esfuerzo. Esperamos que os guste! Y que lo compartáis!! Chus Alonso ------------------------- PRODUCER: ALUA MEDIA. email: chus@alua.es DIRECTOR: CHUS ALONSO. http://chusalonsophoto.com EDITOR: ÁLVARO MEDINA RIDER: LEANDER VYVEY. www.leandervyvey.com www.windfishpro.com If you want to know more about Leander Vyvey: http://leandervyvey.com/#AboutLeander SOUND STUDIO: www.mikkinilsen.com www.facebook.com/pages/Gecko-Studios-Mikki-Nilsen/165712673547094 COLABORATORS AND SPONSORS: www.wainmanhawaii.com www.windfishpro.com www.alua.es THANKS TO: MACLINS´S GYM - Marbella (Málaga). www.mgm.com.es fb.com/macklinsgymmarbella MIKKI NILSEN, of Gecko Sound Studio. www.mikkinilsen.com And lots of friends... FELIPE MOURE - As kitesurf and filming asesor for his advices. www.windgoure.com JULIA CASTRO CHRISTENSEN, kitesurfer, for his advices. www.fb/juliacastrokiteboarding GADI WOLFF, for driving to Tarifa always, looking for the wind always motivated for kitesurf, and for his advices. JAVIER, of Marbella, of "KITE or DIE" group, for lending me his camera without knowing me JAVIER GUERRERO, for introducing me to Leander Vyvey PEDRO SILVA, music compositor from Sevilla (Spain), for his advices CLAUDIA CASTRO, as production assistant during filming CONTACT FORMAKE A VIDEO FOR YOUR COMPANY OR ATHLETES, PLEASE EMAIL TO: Chusalonsophoto@gmail.com

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