A kinetic person''s power by kenneth adrian ellis | Kenneth Adrian Ellis

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A Kinetic Person's Power by Kenneth Adrian Ellis

Ellis / A Kinetic Person's Power, Voice Command AbilityEB / softcover / 5.5 x 8.5 / 24 pages / $9.95ISBN: 978-1-60860-216-2 / SKU: NABook Synopsis: What does...

A Kinetic Person's Power byKenneth Adrian Ellis

Kenneth Adrian EllisA Kinetic Person's Powerhard (cloth over boards with dust jacket),Black & White5.5x8.524 Pages$21.95978-1-63135-375-8Kenneth Adrian Ellis...

Kenneth Adrian Ellis

A Kinetic Person''s Power by Kenneth Adrian Ellis

Author Kenneth Ellis has a gift like no other."You probably have heard about individuals who appear to have special psychic powers," he explains. "These indi...

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