Shortfilm. relatos de paz: salomÉ (english sub) | JuanMa Casas

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JuanMa Casas

ShortFilm. Relatos de Paz: SALOMÉ (English Sub)

Short Film produced in La Paz, Cesár, Colombia; based upon a story wrote by children of the Compongamos La Paz Project developed by the Desarrollo y Paz program from Cesár, Colombia. The ShortFilm was written, produced, shot and edited in 48 hours. All actors are first time non-experienced children, the same who wrote the story. Cortometraje producido en el Municipio de La Paz, basado en una historia escrita y actuada por Jóvenes del Proyecto Compongamos La Paz del Programa de Desarrollo y Paz del Cesár, producido en 48 horas. Director_JuanMa Casas Producer//Productor_Juan Andres Casas Director of Photography //Director de Fotografía_ JuanMa Casas Musica// Volver a soñar_Lili Anaya EME HACHE_ Chasing Time , Boss Battle_Mystery Mammal, Rider_Nctrnm, Feeling_Borrtex,

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