A NEO-NOIR FEVER DREAM FROM CR PICTURESWINNER, BEST NOIR FEATURE: Genre Celebration Festival, Tokyo, Japan 2019. OFFICIAL SELECTION: NewFilmmakers New York 2...
A groundbreaking new music experience Pandora’s Box is coming to you …. Pandora’s Box Launches with an Immersive Cinematic Experience. A Captivating Show by Grammy Award-Winning Composer Nadeem...
A short version of a track composes by Eros Cartechini (Black Salt, Rich Boy/Rich Girl, The Brawler, etc...) for our up and coming martial arts action mini series "Legacy Of The Master" currently in t...
A NEO-NOIR FEVER DREAM FROM CR PICTURESWINNER, BEST NOIR FEATURE: Genre Celebration Festival, Tokyo, Japan 2019. OFFICIAL SELECTION: NewFilmmakers New York 2...
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