Michael Hoad Acting Reel 2022. From Feature films "Van Helsing" "Easter Bunny Massacre" and shorts films "The Division" and "Insurrection".
The scenes contained within the showreel are; CRADLE TO GRAVE (BBC/ITV Studios) Director: Sandy Johnson - Actors: Peter Kay and Matt Green ROOM 7 Director: Nihat Seven - Actors: Elif Knight and ...
This is a pilot. of my Radio series i produced, directed and star in. I would love to partner up and get funds to make more. I have a 8 episodes. It's a Dramady about a man called Mr P (Mr positiv...
Michael Hoad Acting Reel 2022. From Feature films "Van Helsing" "Easter Bunny Massacre" and shorts films "The Division" and "Insurrection".