Funnel cake (student short film) - teaser trailer | Julia Messick

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Julia Messick

Funnel Cake (Student Short Film) - Teaser Trailer

Funnel Cake (Student Short Film) - Teaser Trailer/Proof of Concept Funnel Cake is a whimsical tragedy about a misfit little girl who finds temporary solace with the help of a magical emerald ring. Janie is a 9-year-old girl whose big imagination and glittery style cause her to be a misfit amongst her family and community. Between the overwhelm of her social anxiety, her struggle in appeasing her parents, and her teasing older brothers, Janie yearns to escape from it all. One day, her wish is granted when she receives a magical ring from a vendor at a flea market. With the ring on her finger, Janie becomes the only person in the world. At first, she revels in her newfound freedom. Janie enjoys uninterrupted tea parties and indulges in all the junk food she wants. However, she soon realizes that being alone is not as fulfilling as she thought. Amidst all the fun, she loses track of time and forgets to take off the ring. Now, Janie must find a way to reverse the magic and be reunited with her family. Through her journey, she discovers the true value of human connection and the importance of family. Please check out my Kickstarter page for my developing senior thesis film, Funnel Cake, and support with a donation if possible! With every donation there are levels of rewards, such as your name in the film credit, copy of the storyboard and poster, or a funnel cake logo hat. So far we are 7% of the way there with 30 days to go. Click the link below to view the kickstarter page!

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