Third marine aircraft wing - operation iraqi freedom book 2004 | Carroll Harris III

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Third Marine Aircraft Wing - Operation Iraqi Freedom Book 2004

Excited to share that 20 years ago, I had the honor of co-authoring "Third Marine Aircraft Wing - Operation Iraqi Freedom" with Col Michael D. Visconage. This publication, which details the Marine Corps' involvement in Operation Iraqi Freedom during 2003, was published by the Marine Corps Association in 2004 ISBN 094032833X. As a Marine Corps veteran, I am proud to have contributed to this important piece of Marine Corps history. #marines #marinecorps #veterans #operationiraqifreedom #operationprotectveterans #americanlegionpost43 #american #americanlegion #dav #bouldercrest #uspis #marinecorpshistory #postal #woundedwarriors

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