Falcyon takes on a cybergargoyle | a sci-fi web series | #aishorts #aishortfilm #aifilmmaking #ai | Bill Kandiliotis

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Falcyon Takes On A CyberGargoyle | A Sci-Fi Web Series | #aishorts #aishortfilm #aifilmmaking #ai

Episode 1: Avalon In this opening episode, Ash Falcyon, a lone interdimensional wanderer, travels along a bleak, deserted highway of a post-apocalyptic world. His journey turns unexpectedly when he encounters a seemingly abandoned cybercar, an Avalon 2000. FALCYON - An Sci-Fi Web Series Ash Falcyon, a lone wanderer, navigates a perilous journey across a shattered, cyberpunk multiverse in search of his lost wife.

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