The devil's week™ from granary way media llc | Doug Weischadle

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The Devil's Week™ from Granary Way Media LLC

A short featurette for all the folklore and urban legend fans.. The Devil's Week™ from Granary Way Media LLC Legend has it that an unknown creature, a cryptid known as the Jersey Devil, haunts the New Jersey Pinelands. The Jersey Devil has been with the residents of New Jersey for a very long time, haunting the sparsely populated pinelands since the early eighteenth century. A creature with giant wings, the body of a reptile, the head of a horse, glowing eyes and the cloven hoofs of a devil, the Jersey Devil is one of the most elusive cryptids. But for one week in 1909 from January 16-23, it appeared as if the Devil was everywhere… Copyright 2025. Granary Way Media LLC. All Rights Reserved.

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