In this short film by Gretchen Dzedzej, a wife wonders how she will survive while her husband is away at war. Filmed entirely at Ulster American Folk Park, Omagh, Northern Ireland. Starring Dorothea Fischer, Andy Braeunling, Frank Engel.
This is "Special 'On Stage with RB' Webcast - Talking TV!" with RB and manager Spencer Robinson - the first few minutes of the screen are black, but switches to video right after.
This was a piece i did for a walk on role for teen wolf. the dialogue is an excerpt from one of the episodes
In this short film by Gretchen Dzedzej, a wife wonders how she will survive while her husband is away at war. Filmed entirely at Ulster American Folk Park, Omagh, Northern Ireland. Starring Dorothea Fischer, Andy Braeunling, Frank Engel.