Full Trailer for the film "Night of Reality." Coming Fall 2012. Marcus (Brad Bukauskas) is a dim-witted aspiring actor who thinks his appearance on the new reality show "Who Wants to be a Celebrity?" will catapult him to instant fame.
Idea and concept "Waveform" movie. For "Waveform" a fetus can be the witness of a crime. Read Logline.
Teaser Trailer for the feature film Trust, Greed, Bullets & Bourbon. A group of thieves reunite five years after a failed heist to determine what went wrong and who is to blame as they attempt to reco...
Full Trailer for the film "Night of Reality." Coming Fall 2012. Marcus (Brad Bukauskas) is a dim-witted aspiring actor who thinks his appearance on the new reality show "Who Wants to be a Celebrity?" will catapult him to instant fame.