On stage with rb - may 2014 | Stage 32 Staff - Julie

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Stage 32 Staff - Julie

On Stage with RB - May 2014

RB spoke for 2-1/2 hours including a 20 minute tutorial on how to best utilize the Stage 32 Happy Writers section. He went over various classes, labs, pitching and coverage opportunities to help our writers develop and grow. He also held a wide-ranging 2+ hour Q&A session touching on such subjects as:

  • Stage 32 site questions
  • loglines
  • screenwriting contests
  • coverage services
  • Stage 32 members at Cannes Film Festival
  • distribution
  • acting advice
  • the best way to network on Stage 32
  • since the barrier of entry into film is lower, will quality go down?
  • future opportunities for animation and composers
  • being outside the industry, do you have a chance?
  • New York Rangers
  • much, much more!

Remember, you can watch the webinar as often as you'd like. It's FREE! All we ask is that you remember to pay it forward and spread the word! Please share on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc.

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