On stage with rb - july 2014 | Stage 32 Staff - Julie

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Stage 32 Staff - Julie

On Stage with RB - July 2014

Another 2+ hour session with our Founder and CEO, RB. During a nearly 30 minute opening, RB covered the following Stage 32 topics:

  • New navigation bar
  • Searching the Lounge by keyword
  • How to set up and search for Stage 32 Meetups
  • How to best complete your profile
  • How to promote your Stage 32 profile to other social media to "complete the circle" of promotion
  • Happy Writers pitch sessions

Then, in a wide ranging, nearly 2 hour Q&A session, RB addressed these topics and answered the following questions raised by the community:

  • Should friends and family read your script?
  • Should you put Stage 32 on your resume?
  • What are Karma points on Stage 32?
  • Best tips for new actors
  • At one stage in develop does it make sense to hire an entertainment attorney?
  • The best path to raising money for a short film
  • Best sites for following industry news
  • How composers can best use Stage 32
  • The Do's and Don'ts of navigating L.A. when time is of the essence
  • Which screenwriting coverage service is the best?
  • What TV shows RB is watching
  • When a network tells you they're "considering" your work, what does it mean?
  • And much, much more...

Remember, you can watch the webinar as often as you'd like. It's FREE! All we ask is that you remember to pay it forward and spread the word! Please share on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc.

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