When the second American Revolution hits Los Angeles and the city descends into chaos, a group of neighbors band together to protect their apartment complex home and fight for their survival. Written & Directed by: Wendy Wilkins Sound Engineered by: Jorge Reyes Music Composed by: Garner Knutson Original Artwork by: Mike L. Mayfield Narrated by: Victor McCay Starring: Greg Arce Paul Danke Jarrett Galante Joshua Kwak Lyric Lewis Penelope Lombard Melina Paez Rob Petch Alison Reeves Keri Safran Joe Slepski Rebekah Walendzak and Wendy Wilkins The Cold Open is Part 1 of 5! To buy and listen to the rest of the story beyond the Cold Open, find Acts #1 thru #4 as well as the whole episode to purchase on iTunes here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/one-more-day-episode-1/id869559117