Shot in the dark to look for a little advice: I recently sold my first script to a production company, and they’re planning to move forward with it once the director and I work through the script one more time. I sold it for a relatively small amount with the caveat that I would have a paid position on set for the duration of principal photography (I want to be able to watch the whole process unfold, because I’d like to direct in the future, but that’s not exceptionally pertinent). I’m curious if there’s anything I can/should do in the meantime. I have no clue when the proper time would be to try and find representation, or try to utilize the sale to sell something else, or if I need to simply wait until the project is developed to be able to capitalize on any of it. I have five other scripts that I’ve worked through multiple drafts of and I feel confident are ready to go, but I’m not sure how to proceed with them. Anyway, any advice would be appreciated since (as I’m sure you can tell from this post) I’m a bit awash in naïveté. Thanks, and hope you all have a good night.
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Ask the producer if they can suggest a Manager they trust. This has a few benefits. 1) You get some good advice. 2) It gives you an opening line to the email. Example, you be the manager.
Hi Jackson,
I am working with Harry at XYZ Productions in the film “kill them all”. I asked Harry for the name of a manager he would be happy to recommend. He spoke highly of you. He said you are incredibly hardworking and honest.
I would to discuss an opportunity for a meeting with a view of you being my manager. As I mentioned I have one film currently in production and several others I would like you assistance in finding companies that would be interested.
Kind regards
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Congratulations on selling your first script, Jackson Reid Williams!!! :D
I live in Greenville. I went to high school in Greenville too (and Winterville and Bethel).
In the meantime, you can write your next script, build up your network, learn more about the business side of the industry (which you can do by checking out the Stage 32 Lounges and reading the trades), pitch the scripts you've already written (mentioning the sale in pitches and query letters), and search for an agent or manager (also mentioning the sale).
You can do those last four things on Stage 32. I don't think you need to wait until the project is developed to capitalize on it. I've heard of writers/I know writers who sold scripts, optioned scripts, and landed reps before their previous sold scripts were produced, and mentioning their previous script sales helped them achieve these things.
I suggest adding a more detailed bio on your profile. It'll help you build relationships/network on Stage 32. You could add things to your bio like your experience, what genres you like to write, and your goals.
Here's the link to the Stage 32 Lounges ( And the main trades are The Hollywood Reporter, Variety, and Deadline Hollywood.
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Congratulations! In the meantime you can keep pitching your other projects as you have been with the one that is now being made. Just make the fact one of your other projects is about to start photography part of your pitch. Looking for people that represent similar titles as yours or similar clients is a good way to start looking for representation.
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Congratulations. Pitch other scripts and what you sold is a feather in your cap and now a marketing tool to move your other projects. As far as being on set everyday if you do not have to be, let the production team worry about getting the project made and everything else should fall into place. I would start directing and writing shorts to move yourself in the area of being a director and enter film festivals.
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Congrats on the sale, Jackson! I'd be pitching constantly if I were you. You got some momentum, use it.
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Congratulations Jackson - that's very exciting!
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Congratulations Jackson! Everything everyone has commented sounds about right - keep plugging away and be proud of the win.
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Congratulations Jackson! Definitely keep the momentum going. Right now is the perfect time to be meeting as many managers and producers as you can. If you want more specific recommendations, feel free to write into Happy to help!
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Finished a short and have won multiple film festivals with