Screenwriting : Rules of Writing by Tammy Hunt

Tammy Hunt

Rules of Writing

1 - Write Everyday

2 - Have a Routine

3 - Read Obsessively

4 - Have a Notepad Handy 24/7

5 - Avoid Common Cliches

6 - Finish What You Start

7 - Get Feedback

8 - Keep an "Idea Box"

9 - There, Their & They're

10 - Poetry Doesn't Have to Rhyme

11 - Expect Rejections

12 - Always Back Up Your Work

13 - Break the Rules

Marcel Nault Jr.

Great advice! Thanks for sharing.

Leonardo Ramirez

This is a great list. Funny thing is that I'm too OCD to not finish what I start. My biggest problem is getting obsessive about finishing and forgetting that sandwich.

Craig D Griffiths

100% agree with number 11. Everything else is subjective and works 100% for the people it works for.

Ty Strange

Nice, Tammy Hunt! 2 - Have a Routine (can include chocolate consumption)

Sydney S

Thank you for sharing, great info!

Sam Mannetti

Fantastic Tammy! Great list

Nighter Fire Heart

Nice but I dunno about write everyday. Writing is a passion and forcing yourself to do it to check it off just isn’t me. But almost everything else sounds legit!

John Mai

Writing everyday doesn’t mean writing everyday it could just taking notes or writing down ideas that’s writing everyday

Jacqueline Murphy

LOVE YOUR LIST! Thanks for posting.

Nighter Fire Heart

Okay that makes much more sense John Mai

Alana Gerdes

I also count submitting scripts to contests, checking out or pitching on Stage32 as writing… ;-)

Taurai Du Plessis

Thank you Tammy.

Gen Vardo

Number six is the tough one. I get ideas constantly and start the screenplay, then leave it because I'm just not feeling it right then. I like to get into character when writing.

Maurice Vaughan

I do that too, Gen Vardo. Get into character when writing. I act out scenes too.

Bill Brock

BRAVO! Fantastic list. Will implement all directives immediately after lunch. : )

Clayton Dudzic

Thanks for the reminders. We get so caught up in the story and our characters, we forget the tips on the routine as a screenwriter. The only thing that I would add to your lists is get it ready for Hollywood/publisher/agent/the Readers

Jim Boston

Thanks for posting that list, Tammy!

I'm so glad you put in rules 1, 3, 5, 9, and 12. I try my best to write every single day (it's gotten easier since I retired from my factory job on 10-5-2022)...and try my best to read other people's scripts on a day-to-day basis. And the way I see it, mixing up "its" and "it's" is just as bad as mixing up "there," "their," and "they're." make an "idea box" an actual, touchable object instead of something I keep inside my noggin...

Leonardo Ramirez

Jim Boston Congratulations on your retirement Jim! As an aside, my idea box is a file folder on my desktop or an email to myself that I keep in my draft folder when I"m away from my laptop.

Jenean McBrearty

Better specify what rules they should break (No. 13), because otherwise you're telling writers not to have a routine, not to finish what they start, not to read and write everyday....etc. Is that what you mean? How about this for a rule: Re-read what you write to make sure you're saying what you mean to say. Specificity is crucial.

Tammy Hunt

Yes Jenean I understand your concern about “Break the Rules” as a part of the list. My meaning is to not focus so much on formulaic concepts and to not be afraid to blend genres and explore unique ways of telling a story.

Kiril Maksimoski

ABP - always be paid...maybe number 235, dunno, guess not that important...

Jim Boston

Thanks, Leonardo! (And if I can't find a metal box or plastic one or wooden one to use for ideas, I'll put a file folder on my desktop and that'll be my idea box.)

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