So, today I’m 66 years of age and whilst there are people who still think “Why hasn’t he given up yet?” As if having a dream and giving up were synonymous with each other - I continue to prove them wrong. Nothing is gained from giving up, save for regret.
Well, why haven’t I? Because strangely my writing is pretty darn good, the ideas keep on coming and the grace of it all is that my wife has supported me throughout this long sojourn in this restless wilderness. But in truth, there is no wilderness, when my mind is still popping and the only thing showing signs of age, is my body. (Let’s not talk here of design faults!)
In my life I’ve performed in street theatre, a Passion Play - I think there’s a link there between our passions and our suffering - written 4 non-fiction books (from my days as an arts mentor) 1 novel, written, directed and produced 3 short films (fully funded) and my screenplay “Seeing Rachel” has just been represented at Cannes this year.
But where is the big break, you may ask? Why do you keep causing yourself to suffer because of your dreams?
Well, thanks for asking. It’s because I think writing is a noble cause and only just today I was reminded of the premise for my life’s work. On one of those IG Reels Viola Davis (be still my heart!) was telling me that Arthur Miller said that he wrote “so that people feel less alone.” And there may be a smaller truth, that I write to feel less lonely. Well, here I am on Stage32 with my fellow writers, so you see, even if we have a lonely pursuit, we find a community based on the same passions!
The premise for my writing is exactly that. To give people a sense of belonging, and to stem the tide of loneliness. I write big world, immersive stories, not small town small dramas - sorry, I just find them claustrophobic. I like to give people an expansive world to fall in to and find their place of belonging, where they ‘enter the imagination through the heart’ and that sense of abandonment or rejection.
I continue to write because it’s a compulsion, not a hobby. I am persistent - and that’s what I’d tell my 8 year old self in this photograph. Because that breakthrough to a bigger theatre and wider audience is coming because we writers don’t give up.
I’m taking the rest of the day off. Someone bought me a bottle of single malt, so if you’re around later, pop in for a wee dram.
See you tomorrow, my fellow writers. Peace out. Geoff
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Well said Geoff! Happy birthday! :)
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Happy birthday, Geoff Hall ! May your next year be filled with brilliant ideas and enjoyable writing sessions!
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Luca Mannea thank you, Luca! How are you doing? How is life where you are?
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Alana Gerdes thank you Alana! And yes, at the moment I’m cooking on gas, as far as the writing goes. I know each new project is exciting and we think it’s our best work yet, but this one is a big departure for me in writing an animated series and I’m very pumped by it!
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Happy Birthday Geoff! Thank you for not giving up (and enjoy the bottle of single malt !)
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Well Happy Birthday, Geoff! Why on earth should you end the pursuit? You are still breathing! Enjoy your day. :)
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66?? You're a mere child compared to me (75). Happy Birthday.
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Happy Birthday, Geoff! Keep rockin' and creatin', man, cos it's just what we do and who we are! And... hope your several wee drams went sweetly darn well. ;-)
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Happy Birthday! Every decade brings reflections, and the sixties more so. Enjoy celebrating you today and your many incredible accomplishments. Carry on. There are only two ages: dead and alive. Cheers!
6 people like this
Hell, I am 80 and still getting rejections so keep doing your thing. 
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Happy birthday, Geoff! And, God, I have taken extensive notes. Thank you!
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I'm 57. I'm going to keep composing music, because I love it. Keep creating work. Age is just a number.
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Happy Birthday, Geoff Hall! :D It's your birthday, but you're giving us gifts with your post (motivation and inspiration). Enjoy the rest of the day off!
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Happy Birthday, Geoff, and congrats on your continued colossal successes! I retired from the high school classroom last year at age 59 after 33 years of service. Also had a side-hustle as a professional actor for 30 years. Both occupations are now in the rear view. Both represent chapters in my life. Nothing more. Time for the next chapter-- Screenwriting. Seven feature screenplays in the last 9 years, many with varying degrees of award recognition. The day will come when screenwriting will also drift into the rear view. Just another chapter. It's how I roll....
Photo: Last week's attendance at the 2023 Block Island Film Festival, where I earned a nomination for my psychological thriller screenplay, "dream HOLLYWOOD."
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Happy Birthday, Geoff
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Geoff, happy birthday to you...and thanks so doggone much for posting! (And here's wishing you more of the VERY BEST!)
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Happy Birthday, Geoff!
Those are very inspiring words. Thank you for sharing!
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Happy Birthday, Geoff Hall. Giving up is not an option!
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Happy birthday, Geoff!
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Happy birthday! Geminis are the best :)
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Happy Birthday, Geoff. After reading that... day started off on the right foot. Thank you for that and enjoy that bottle. Keep writing!
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Happy, Happy Birthday, my friend!!
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Great thoughts, Geoff! At 75, I've won a festival, placed as a finalist in two festivals and as a semi-finalist in another. Been writing for about 4 years and will continue to work at this noble art. Make it or not, sending a message to the world through our writings is an important endeavor.
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Happy birthday Geoff and congratulations on your script “Seeing Racheal” being represented at Cannes. So true writing can be a compulsion, a driving force that overrides any of life’s obstacles.
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Big ole piece of cake, buddy.
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Happy Birthday, Geoff Hall!! You're such a wonderful and welcoming member of this great community and we appreciate all that you do! We'll certainly never let you give up, this is where you're meant to be with the people who see and adore you for who you are and all that you contribute. =)
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Jennifer Rolle I’m always amazed that those who know nothing about writing, always have the most pointed and negative advice. STFD. I love my job!
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Stephanie Munch thank you Stephanie. In the end, I went for the bottle marked Jim Beam Black Label. Smooth and yet it has the downward journey of a lava flow. Loved it.
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Michael Elliott haha! Well, if I were a mere toddler, that would make you on the cusp of those teenage years! I preferred life without that kinda hormonal rush.
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Andy Byrne Hi Andy, thank you kindly for the birthday wishes. I went for a dram I’d never tasted before and it did not disappoint. I think we should learn a little something from the dram experience:
In the mouth, be as smooth as silk, but by the time it reaches your insides, be like a volcano going off!
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Rhonda Jean Seiter Hey Rhonda, thank you. Yes, in your sixties every year is like a review year. I have to say that I’m currently working up a storm with a new project and loving it. As far as accomplishments, having this little fella as a soulmate is such an unexpected thrill! A big cheesy smile to you and my fellow writers on Stage32.
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Steve Shear Hey Steve, thanks for making me feel young! Rejection is passing, it’s our successes that stick…
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Taurai Du Plessis thank you, Taurai. Such a wonderful name! You’re welcome. How is life where you live?
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@Norma Padro (sorry Norma, that tagging function seems to be taking a break). Thank you. My mind agrees that age is just a number, it’s my body that needs convincing!
I’m just wondering if you have ever posted some of your work in the COMPOSING Lounge? You’ll find lots of encouragement there.
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Maurice Vaughan Hey, Maurice, thank you so much. I’m glad you found some inspiration in this elder years testimony to perseverance.
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Bill Brock Hi Bill, thanks for your birthday wishes. For me - I never plan to retire from writing, I’ve found what I’m here to do. Plus there’s always something going on in this imagination of mine and I just have to get the thing down, in some form or other. It is only because of a good friend here on Stage32, that I’ve had the courage to start writing an animated series.
Congratulations on your successes. I love that American word “side-hustle”!
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@Carina S. Burns (sorry Carina, the same old tagging problem) Thank you for your birthday wishes. Are you living the dream in Palo Alto? I’ve been to California before, but never to your town. It’s such a cool name. It beats Stoke Gifford hands down! All SG means is - Stoke (the plot of land) of Gifford (the man with the fat round face). So much for medieval English, eh?
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Happy Birthday Geoff, I might have taken you up on the offer of a single malt had I been closer. Enjoy. I've never really thought that hard about why I write. I trained as an engineer but was never that good at the theoretical aspects of that. I have a creative side that I never explored and that aspects comes from my mum's side.
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@Jim Boston (I'm sorry, tagging seems to have left the building. Very annoying!) Thank you for your birthday wishes, you're a star! Keep the faith. Keep writing.
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Marcel Nault Jr thank you so much. I'm glad you found some inspiration in this post.
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@Ty Strange thank you. You speak the truth. Our detractors only speak of that which they do not understand.
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@Sam Sokolow thank you so much, kind sir. What are you working on at the moment?
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@Sydney Summers thank you. It must be our twin natures that account for greatness in the face of negativity!
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@Alister Brooks thank you. As ever, due to the generosity of others there ended up being a choice. Which would you choose?
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Leonardo Ramirez thank you so much, Leonardo. You are the spark behind my animation flame. The draft Pilot is coming your way soon.
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@Sheldon Kaplan thank you. Yes, it is a noble art and I take it seriously. Congratulations on your successes! What's your latest project?
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@Debbie Croysdale thank you. The script caused a lot of buzz. The Producer is now following up and repackaging the project. I'm hoping for some good news. We found an American Sales Agent in Cannes, thanks to a Stage32 contact.
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@Linwood Bell thank you, Linwood. Yet again it was due to the kindness of friends that I ended up with a chocolate cake and some seriously awesome cup cakes. Have a great weekend!
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You're welcome, Geoff Hall. If you refresh the post, the tagging should work again.
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@Ashley Renee Smith that’s really kind of you to say that, Ashley. As I said to you a while back, Stage32 is the only community on the planet, that has accepted me for who I am and what I do. It’s always been my aim to welcome people who are on the same journey, as well as facing similar doubts and criticism.
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@Maurice Vaughan sadly that isn’t the case on my laptop, iPad or iPhone. Bah humbug!
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@Greg Wong thank you Greg. Maybe one day, I’ll be in London or you’ll be in Bristol and we can have a whiskey together.
I found that knowing who I am and what I’m here for has really helped me determine what I’m writing, as well as keeping going when times are difficult.
I hope those few words in the post helps you to discover what that looks like for you.
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Gotta say, Geoff. You look kind of dorky.
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I got you, Geoff Hall/Scrooge. :)
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J thanks for the kind comments and happy bday again! Our current project is a very moving script of family conflict and tragedy. First draft is completed but lots of work to get it ready for festivals, pitches, agents and producers.seems to me that writing is the easy part but promoting the screenplay is harder or maybe it’s just different! SJK
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Happy Birthday!
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@Sheldon Kaplan yes, I know that feeling. I hear you. I think it’s because as writers we are far more familiar with that process, but promoting our work is a little alien to us - hence our reservations. However, the more we do it and become familiar with it, the greater the skill set that develops in us. Bring it on!
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Have a very Happy Birthday!
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Maurice Vaughan haha, the system is the Scrooge. I feel I’m being generous to it by still endeavouring to use it!
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@Allen Lynch thank you, Allen. How are things with you?
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@Drew Page thank you Drew. How are things where you live?
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Happy Birthday. Don't ever give up. I'm 52 and I haven't and never will
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@Christopher J Bounds thank you for your birthday wishes. Giving up is for hobbyists!
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@Dan Guardino thanks Dan. How are you doing? What are you working on currently?
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Happy Birthday !