Anything Goes : Beware the scammers here. by Sherry McGuinn

Sherry McGuinn

Beware the scammers here.

Hello, everybody. I wasn't quite sure where to post this but I want to make you aware of something that happened to me for the second time today. I was invited to join producer Greg Beeman's network, which I found odd as, "Why me?" It turns out, from the message this phony sent me, it appeared to be exactly the same as another "producer" who pulled the same stunt a couple of weeks ago. The individual was so stupid, he'd chosen a stock photo for his profile.

For grins, I accepted his invite and got the following in return:

Greg Beeman

Hello , Thanks for joining my network , how are you ?. If you ever need my services in getting your Materials or projects into production I would be happy to help . My regards .

Check out the punctuation. From somewhere "abroad," I'm guessing.

If I "ever need his services!" LMAO!

Anyway, just wanted to make you folks aware of these idiots. Cheers.

Ty Strange

Hi, Sherry McGuinn. Sorry you were approached in this manner, though you seemed to have had a little fun with it. There's a couple posts dealing with a similar scam in the Screenwriting Lounge.

I'd contact either of these Stage32 emails addresses to report scams that you come across:

Casey Watson

Litterally just had the same thing happen to me by the same account. I immediately thought it was a scam and thought the exact same thing. "Why me?" Lol

Sherry McGuinn

Geez.What a world. Thank you, both. I'll check out the thread.

Casey Watson

If he found you through stage 32, you can ask them to verify if he's legit.

Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq., Ipg

Sherry McGuinn I find this interesting. Looking at the quote you gave above, what exactly do you find "scammy"? There is a very accomplished and well-connected Greg Beeman listed on IMDB - what is it that says he is or isn't the same person. Are you saying that someone who lets you know they are available to assist in your production is by definition a scammer? Does that go for writers, directors, course instructors, or just producers? I know this sounds snippy, I don't mean it to be. I just don't see what the issue with this message is.

Casey Watson

It's called context. I looked up Greg beeman as well and know that he is a real person. But let's talk about "typical" signs of scammers. One of them, to me personally, is always the grammar and punctuation. A person as accomplished as the real Greg Beeman won't have such shitty grammar.

Another sign is the repetitiveness. He sent the exact same message to Sherry AND myself. This means he most likely sent it to many more people amd is trying to find someone dumb enough to believe him, which leads to my next point.

It's too good to be true. An accomplished producer/writer/Director just so happens to create a Stage 32 profile and randomly message me out of the blue? Absolutely not. He's got way too much going on, and if WAS on this website, you know the admins are going to announce it!

Lastly, if the real Greg Beeman was on this site, he would be charging for script consultations/reviews just like everyone else, or giving a class. Not randomly hitting everyone up to "help us get our projects into production." I guarantee this guy was gonna try and charge money for his "help".

Niki H

Good looking out! It's important that we always share what we consider "red flags" with each other too, as not everyone can spot a spammer or scam.

Elaine Haygood

I just got a connection request from "Mr. Beeman" as well the other day.

I believe it's someone who's pretending to be legitimate.producers in an effort to scam people.

this person is pretending to be several people-One of whom was a producer who's worked with Don Cheadle.

He sent me a DM wherein he addressed me as "Nicholas". The minute I pointed out his mistake, he deleted the conversation.

Sherry McGuinn

Thank you, everyone. We definitely need to keep each other apprised of these situations when they occur. And Niki, you are not an idiot. These bottom feeders are becoming ever more sophisticated. And the person who seemed puzzled by my reaction to “Beeman’s” message, I suggest that he open his eyes and take a look at what the world has become. My suggestion: If this happens, to you, tell the scammer you’ll contact him at his prodco, and then check him out. I’d even go so far as to let the “real” person know what’s going on.

Joshua Young

Same thing. Reporting to Stage32

Sherry McGuinn

Good. I hope Stage 32 starts cracking down on these scammers because we shouldn’t have to be fielding this BS here, like we do everywhere else in our lives.

Maurice Vaughan

Stage 32 has been cracking down on the scammers, Sherry McGuinn. Stage 32 gets rid of them quick. Super quick! :D

Sherry McGuinn

Good to know! Thank you!!

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Sherry McGuinn.

Marcel Nault Jr.

This is absurd... It grinds my gears to see scammers on here!

Jed Power

Stay clear of Stage 32. Experiencing MAJOR Technical problems!

Sherry McGuinn

Can you please clarify, Jed?

Maurice Vaughan

Stage 32 has technical issues sometimes, Jed Power, but the Tech Team is working hard to redesign the website.

Jed Power

Thanks, Maurice but this has been going on for a couple of weeks. I saw on other sites posts warning to stay clear of Stage 32 and try other, less aggravating, sites for now. Sherry, I've already posted numerous times about this and reached out to Customer Service a dozen times.The site has now become more hassle than it is worth. Script Revolution or other sites may be better choice until 32 gets its act together?

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Jed Power. RB pointed out on another post that there are 25 people on the Stage 32 Team and there are over a million Stage 32members, so it'll take some time to hear back from the Stage 32 Team.

Stage 32 is my top social media and it's the best creative community online (and the most motivating, supportive, and inspiring). I made the most connections on Stage 32, I learned the most about the industry on Stage 32, and I get almost all of my paid jobs on Stage 32. Script Revolution is great also. Script Revolution works with Stage 32. If you sign up for Script Revolution's Rockstar status, you get one month's free access to the Stage 32 Writers' Room.

Jed Power

just too technically aggravating for me. Good bye!

Jenna D'Amato

I got that message from Greg too...and thought it was legit. Now I know it's a scam. Wow, people just can't be trusted anymore. Smh.

Sherry McGuinn

Yep. Pretty disgusting all around.

Casey Watson

Did he ask you for money, Jenna?

Jenna D'Amato

Unfortunately, yes. Don't worry, I didn't give him anything. I was pretty wary of the guy to begin with, especially his grammar issues and very incompetent sentences.

Debbie Elicksen

Thanks for the heads up, Sherry McGuinn and Jenna D'Amato .

Sherry McGuinn

You’re very welcome.

Linda Johnson


Thanks Sherrry!

Sherry McGuinn

You’re welcome, Linda!

Sherry McGuinn

Thank you, John. You're very welcome and same to you.

Eon C. Rambally

So many stories and complaints against "Producers", in recent times, is concerning. Thanks for posting Sherry McGuinn!

Sherry McGuinn

I actually received another one from a guy calling himself a "financier." I'm sure it's another scammer. I'll share that info here, as well, as soon as I'm sure.

Elaine Haygood

There's a guy who's claiming to be Paul Myler as well. He's the one who tried to delete our convo when I called him on a mistake he'd made.

Sherry McGuinn

Yes!!! That moron hit me up, too.

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