Stage 32 is excited to welcome Bryce McGuire for his upcoming AMA!
In this exclusive and interactive one-hour free webcast, Stage 32 Education Producer Nick Waters will host Bryce McGuire, writer/director of the new Universal Studios horror film NIGHT SWIM produced by Jason Blum and James Won. Bryce will discuss his creative journey and how NIGHT SWIM came together and made it to the theaters.
Bryce will also answer all your questions about the industry, working as a writer/director, navigating the studio system, and how he was able to take his NIGHT SWIM short film and turn it into a feature with some of the most successful horror producers in the industry.
Bryce is sharing his knowledge and insights exclusively with the Stage 32 community, so come with any questions you’d like to ask him - nothing is off the table. This type of direct access to a filmmaker with a current hit film in the theaters is a rare opportunity to ask questions about your own craft and career.
In addition to NIGHT SWIM, Bryce is a writer on the upcoming Blumhouse feature film IMAGINARY, and wrote the 2023 film BAGHEAD. Prior to his success as a filmmaker in the studio system, Bryce made a handful of well received short films.
Please put your questions below for Bryce :)
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If you have no connections to the industry (and only made a handful of short films) and have a feature script, what route would you advise taking? Getting a Writer's Agent, cold emailing producers or trying to send it to studios?
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Hey this is Bryce McGuire! Excited to get in there and answer your questions!
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Do you use readers?
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Hello from Park City, UT.
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So excited for this. About to film my first short at the end of March. Is going the festival route worth it?
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As someone who just directed her first short, to now writing the feature, curious if you wrote your short first or feature first then adapted to a short?
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I have sooo many questions n problems n solutions… but mostly ideas about aliens with the art of war… n I was loving the alien vibe n all the creepy effects … I was wondering if you guys are down to dream about aliens invading in a grander scale
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When writing a horror feature, how do you structure scares? How do you balance advancing the story while keeping the scares coming? Is there a rhythm?
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Hiya! Thanks for your time today! What inspires you in your storytelling/creating?
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Your Cliff Notes version of what drew you to screen writing and the industry in general?
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Hi ! Thanks for this guys! My question. I wrote a script, say I want to have it made into a short. I’m only the writer, I need a filmmaker to make it. Where do I start?
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Hi Bryce, what are some of the biggest challenges you've faced in the industry, and how did you
overcome them?
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Two-part question: 1. Is there a time when a horror can be too dark? 2. If you have your horror read and you are told, "You have a very dark mind, but a very creative way of killing off your victims." Is that a good or bad thing?
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And when you were a child, Bryce, were you always passionate about stories or interested in writing or any other kinds of creative stuff? Do you think you were born with the film talent?
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Do you find it necessary to "say something" with a horror film? What do you hope to leave the audience with as the credits roll?
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Subject manner
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That is what I was told! I need to make it more commercial!
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One person made it
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The main character actually becomes the antagonist
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What was it like working with iconic horror filmmakers like James Wan? Were there any times when you wanted to do a specific shot/scene, but they pitched a different one instead? if so, did you stick to your guns or did you have to respect their advice because of their many years of experience?
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LOGLINE: A resourceful survivor returns home after thirty years to exact vengeance on a small-town detective and its locals for their part in her brutalization and betrayal.
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Hi Bryce! thanks for doing this. Question - since you were the Writer & Director, how many people/voices did you have to work with in terms of writing and rewriting the script? Is there people you had to take notes from (producers, actors) vs. people you wanted input from?
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How long did it take for you to grow that mustache?
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It is the subject manner, I have been told that is it
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How would you recommend looking for a high-quality person to hire for a re-write? What would you look for before committing to one of the many people who offer those services?
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What is one thing you know now that you wish you knew when you first started working on the project? I'm about to go into pre-pro on a horror feature I wrote.
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Hi Bryce! What were some of the challenges and obstacles of adapting your short film to a feature length script?
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What were your first steps after graduation from AFI to break into the film and television industry?
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Great advice - thank you!!
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Two questions:
1. Could you talk about the casting process? Did you have a wish list of people that you originally wanted to cast but were unable too or did you audition people vs seeking them out?
2. With Night Swim being your first feature, what sort of advice could you give to a first time filmmaker that's embarking to direct their first feature?
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Do you recommend making sizzle reels for your projects?
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Do you write with a budget in mind, or do you let your imagination run wild and worry about the practical stuff later?
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Is it possible to become financially free by working as a feature film writer in today's world? If so, how important is it to acquire the WGA membership?
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What came first; line producing the budget to know exactly how much the film would cost or getting the budget and line producing later?
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Where do you see yourself in the next few years, Bryce, and what's your ultimate goal?
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OMG!! I am in Middle TN!!! He is so close to me!!!
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Thanks so much for answering our questions!
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At end of interview, please pose to Bryce. He should know the reference.
Bryce, describe a headless selfie.
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Thank you so much for your time!
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Bryce, you are so amazing! Thank you for this!
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Bryce: Valuable advice. RE: Make the next thing.
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Thank you Nick, Sydney, and Bryce for your time! I'm going to take my gf to see Nightswim!
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Thank you for this webinar!
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Thanks, Bryce for your time. I'm starting a new horror film thanks to suggestions from Stage32 participants. I've figured out the concept and need to know if there is a specific beat sheet needed for horror movies.
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I look forward to being able to listen to this on demand, from these comments sounds like it was a great discussion.