I've been working on this since last year and I am so excited to bring to you the Executive Director of the Cannes Film Festival Marche du Film, Guillaume Esmiol to Stage 32 education! In our ongoing education partnership with Cannes this year we are bringing you straight to the source to learn how to navigate Cannes. If you are planning on attending this year be sure to register for this webinar - it's completely FREE: https://www.stage32.com/education/c/education-webinars?p=8975050604851
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Amanda Toney well done, Amanda. I will be signing up for this one.
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Hi there, Amanda, I'll be watching this as well and looking forward to it already. My question to Guillaume would be how to navigate Cannes as an actress and how to make valuable contacts and connections with ease and grace.. Thank you so much.
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I'd like to learn about the INVESTMENT environment during Cannes, and how best to maneuver it to have constructive conversations.
I'm pitching an international thriller with a solid European producer. The script has attracted the agent of a major American actor if we can support it with adequate investment. Merci.
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Hey Amanda, excited to attend this webinar from Lusaka, Zambia. My question to Guillaume is, as a filmmaker from the burgeoning African market, I'm keen to understand how to effectively navigate Cannes and secure pitch sessions to present stories from a unique African perspective. What strategies and approaches would you recommend to ensure success in this endeavor?"
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If attending Cannes for the first time, does a writer/producer need to be sponsored by an organization? As a member of Stage32 am I authorized to register for the Festival through this group or any other Film group I am a member currently? Thanks
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Spain -Barcelona I love this ! yeah!
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Hey. RT here. USA! Director. Let's go!
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hi from calgary AB Canada
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Hello from Long Beach, CA
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Hi: Scottsdale, Arizona
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Switzerland and Spain: American, half my life flying back and forth over Cannes ;-)
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Hi, Im Pau from Argentina! Thanks so much!
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Hi from Buenos Aires, Argentina
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Hello, Watching from New York City!
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Hello ! Toronto, Canada - thank you
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Hiya. Cape Town, South Africa
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Hello, a sales agent and filmmaker from Saigon, Vietnam ^^ It's 12.15AM now
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Palm Springs
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All the way from Bristol, UK
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Hi Guillaume, Hi Amanda, Watching from London
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hello, Anila from Tirana Albania
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Kaiserslauern, "K-Town", Germany
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Hi, I'm from Cuernavaca, Mexico,, "The City of Eternal Spring", one hour away from CDMX
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Argentinian living in México
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USA , New York, Unceded ancestral Land of the Lenape!
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Hi from LA!
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Hi everyone joining from Boston,MA!
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Hi Amanda and Guillaume from New Delhi, India :)
Tuning in from NYC!
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I've been trying for 15 minutes to access the seminar! Am in Africa but that should not be a problem
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Bonjour, en direct de Los Angeles!
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Hi everyone from London
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Francesca (Italian) from Nigeria
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salut de Rio de Janeiro Brésl
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Hi, I’m Kaley from Homa Democratic Republic of Congo
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It's so lovely to have everyone here today! We love our global community. Be sure to type in your questions - I'll be reading them outloud at the end!
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Can you shop a feature film in the marketplace that is either in production or post if you have a sizzle/trailer and marketing presentation? Or can only completed films be shopped?
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Are there any Pitch events that people can still sign up/apply for to pitch new projects?
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Do you need to set up a meeting before going to the producer network or can you just get there and talk to potential collaborations?
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Is soneone of you folks going to Cannes this year?
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How does one get into pitch at the Investors Circle? (I have a bonafide thriller, dossier, script, pitch deck, production team, looking for serious investment.)
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When is the latest to get tickets?
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You say book early, How early is recommended?
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Hi Guillome... are there any surrealistic options for learning film languages??? I know about 60% French but guess it would be riveting to keep poetry working!! Any online dictionaries??
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What is the most effective approach for scheduling meetings with sales agents: initiating contact online via email to arrange a specific time and date, or directly approaching their booth in person? Hi Amanda!
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Are there special parts of the festival dealing with film music?
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Does a regular marché badge or festival accreditation let you access Official Selection press screenings after their premiere?
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Hi all, I'm planning to go to Cannes this year, and interested connecting with anyone, who'll be going as well.
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Can industry newcomers participate ?
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If you're a fledgling producer team, what/where are the best event/sessions in which to participate, attend or network in to seek new projects. Projects in beginning form such as story summary, pitch bible and/or early draft script? Thank you.
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If we applied for the Producer's Network, when will we hear if we were accepted?
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Projetcs in development status are also welcomed?
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How do market screenings work? Are they intended to be seen by distributors?
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What is the best way to get tickets for the Un Certain Regard films? Kiosk? Phone App?
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Is the presentation deck from this going to be available for download?
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Recommended lodging? This might be off topic for you Guillaume, but here goes: At Málaga last week, San Sebastian and Locarno last year, I've done Airbnb or booking dot com apartments. Is the apartment marketplace abundant?
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Short Film Filmmakers resources: https://cinemadedemain.festival-cannes.com/en/
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Thank you so much for organizing! This was so informative!
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Thanks so much! Beso grande desde Buenos Aires
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Merci, Guillaume!
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Very useful. If anyone wants info on The American Pavilion ... www.ampav.com
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Merci, Amanda :)
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Thank you Guillaume, for your presentation. Thank you for partnering with Stage32!
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Guillaume, Amanda and Stage 32... Thanks so much for this webinar! Practical and informative. Please do more... Cannot wait to attend sometime in the future! Merci beaucoup!
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I'm going to Cannes - 16-20 May. If anyone is going during the same period and wants to network, get in touch.
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Thank you fro this freebie! you guys rock STAGE 32! Hugs!
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Please let us know if you are traveling to Cannes this year and put your dates in the chat box here. And please right click and add to your network anyone that is going to go.
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Thank you, Amanda.
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Also, remember Cannes Badges are on SALE right now it ends in 2 days on March 15, the cheapest you are going to get them, so grab yours now: https://www.marchedufilm.com/accreditation/
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Congrats on a very informative webinar! I'll be attending Cannes from May 15-21. I'm a director, screenwriter and actress. Would love to connect with you guys!
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Btw for anyone who's planning to go for a short period - 3 or 4 days tops - there are also daily passes available for the Marchè. They cost €60 a day and can cover up to 3 days . They don't give access to screenings but you can access the rest of the Market including special events. Here is the link to the page - https://festivaldecannes.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360020465620-How-...
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Thank you very much, Amanda and Guillaume, for this awesome webinar! I am from the Utica, New York area of Upstate Central New York State. I attended the Cannes Film Festival last year for the first time, and this Stage 32 webinar was a great refresher course and also for learning about all the additions to the festival! See everyone in May at the festival!
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Hello from London!
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This May will be my 34th trip to Cannes. I may be able to answer some of your questions if you are attending.
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This will be my 36th so likewise. …Happy to answer any questions!
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Me and my team will be there from 13 May to 22 May! looking forward to collaborate you can also find in instagram @darwinreina lets meet there!
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This webinar was so helpful. Thank you! and I'll be in Cannes too! Excited to connect and collaborate! :D We can start connecting here or by instagram: @katery12
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I'll be there May 13 - 18
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Everyone who is going. Do all of you have a place to stay?
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I will be in Cannes from May 13 to May 29. Anyone there for a similar time frame?
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I was just rejected for an accreditation. Two shorts in the last year, not enough, I guess.
Does anyone know if there are alternative ways to join, e.g. day tickets open to the public?
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Hi Jack, There are many kinds of badges and there are daily badges available as well. It depends on what you plan to do while attending. Do you want to watch films, do you have projects you want to pitch, do you have services you want to sell?
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Greetings! I'm a composer based in Ibiza, working in the video game industry since 2015, now venturing into scoring for short films. Excited to attend Cannes Festival from May 16-21 for the first time. Let's connect!
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Looking for someone who will be attending the full time of the Cannes Festival I will be arriving on the 13th and leaving on the 29th.
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I'm a screenwriter currently undertaking a Masters in screenwriting (Duh). I'll be attending for the first time this year for 4 days, and I know absolutely nobody - anyone into horror/comedy fancy a coffee or beer?. I'm in England, just under 2 miles from Shepperton Studios.
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Hi everyone - our official Cannes roll call and Stage 32 schedule of events was announced here, be sure to comment on the roll call: https://www.stage32.com/blog/cannes-roll-call-whos-going-who-has-films-s... - on the roll call, share your dates and what you are looking to accomplish. And, be sure to RSVP to the Stage 32 events!
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Johannesburg, South Africa
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Now that most of you are back from the Cannes Market & Festival, I am very interested in your experiences and comments.