Anything Goes : Emojis by Tim Bragg

Tim Bragg


Final Draft 13 is out. I have used this software since FD 10. They have added a feature where you can add emojis into your screenplay. Is anybody doing this? I personally do not think it would look professional, thoughts?

Maurice Vaughan

I'd probably use emojis in scripts when a person is texting, Tim Bragg. And maybe in Comedy scripts and Horror Comedy scripts.

Rutger Oosterhoff

As Maurice says, it can makes sence, Tim. We live in a time where people seem to have fogotten how to communicate without emojis, I would (still) use them sparesly though.This is what I first had, in a screenplay but it read awkward.

Megan's cellphone lights up, and she checks the text from Kathryn.

KATHRYN: “So is he the killer?" smiley face

MEGAN: “I’m still alive.”

Megan puts her cell down and returns to the conversation.


So I replaced " smiley face" for an emoji. Showed up in my free WriterDuet screenwriting program, but in the final pdf of the screenplay it only showed the contoures of it. So I deleted the whole smiley face thing in whatever form.

I'm waiting for the day that a whole screenplay is written in emojis, and we stop thinking Chineze is a difficult language.

Pat Alexander

I've added emojis into my screenplay. I find the use of them hilarious. Readers have specifically not enjoyed seeing them very much.

John Kennedy

A BIG no no in my opinion.

Debbie Croysdale

I’d only use emoji’s for EG Police studying someone’s tech footprint & their texts/emails had emojis in them.

Geoff Hall

Tim Bragg I don’t think I’d ever use emojis in my screenplay, unless of course if I used onscreen phone texts. I’d hate to use them in a screenplay as a prompt for humour or anger. That to me would just be crass and unprofessional.

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