Introduce Yourself : Producer and Host/presenter by Tricia Porter

Tricia Porter

Producer and Host/presenter

Good day, everyone! My friends call me Tree, and no, I’m not unusually tall nor a fan of certain herbal indulgences. I’m 5’4 ½ and don’t smoke. My name is pronounced Tree-sha, so Tree for short it is.

Maurice Vaughan

Welcome to the community, Tricia Porter. Great nickname! What kind of projects do you produce and host?

Greg Rabidoux

Then a majestic Tree it is! Nice to meet you!

Sam Rivera

Welcome to Stage 32 Tricia Porter! Are you working on any new projects at the moment?

Tricia Porter

I truly appreciate the warm welcome. Yes, I’m currently working on a comedic news parody series on TV, and I plan on being one of the hosts.

Howe Compton

Hello Tree, and welcome. I pray that you have a prosperous year.... GOD BLESS...

Pat Alexander

A Tree is known by its fruit... happy writing!

Jed Power

Nice to meet you, Tree. Best, Jed.

Daniel Husbands

Welcome Tricia Porter to the stage32 community.

Sam Sokolow

Hey Tree - welcome to Stage 32! Where can we see some of your on-camera work?

Ashley Renee Smith

Welcome to the Stage 32 community, Tricia Porter! We're so excited to have you here!

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