Screenwriting : A surprise OWA! by Ian Milne

Ian Milne

A surprise OWA!

Was shocked and amazed to learn "SHERMAN OF SHERWOOD" was submitted for another OWA. So excited! Thank you, Stage32. For so long my writing sat on shelves (er in my computer) and was read only by my closest inner circle of friends and peers. Thanks to your team and this opportunity, the circle is expanding.

Maurice Vaughan

Congratulations, Ian Milne! Catchy title!

Sam Rivera

Congratulations on the success Ian!

Sydney Summers

Wow, Ian! Congratulations on the success!

Pat Alexander

Nicely, done Ian Milne ! You're cooking these days!

Asmaa Jamil

Congratulations and thank you for sharing. I am happy to see the OWAs are working.

Jim Boston

Ian, way to GO! Congratulations to you...and here's to more and more success with "Sherman of Sherwood!"

Richard "RB" Botto

Good on you for taking those scripts off the shelf and getting your work out there, Ian Milne. Glad to see it's paying off. Inspiring.

Ian Milne

Thanks Richard "RB" Botto and all! Appreciate your support.

Richard "RB" Botto

Absolutely, Ian Milne. Keep charging, my friend.

Nick Phillips

Way to get that script off the shelf Ian Milne! You miss 100% of the shots you don't take!

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