Screenwriting : Location by Maurice Vaughan

Maurice Vaughan


One thing that’ll help your screenplay stand out is the location. Think of a unique location for your script.

Examples: Action movie at a car wash, Comedy movie in a cornfield, Thriller movie in an art gallery, Crime movie at a video game studio, RomCom movie in a junkyard.

Same thing for TV shows, web-series, books, etc.

Nick Phillips

Agreed Maurice Vaughan! It'll set your movie apart, give it a vibe and a feel, and add an extra layer to the visual element of the film.

Maurice Vaughan

Great points, Nick Phillips! I like to look at photos online and videos (like location tours) for unique location ideas.

Göran Johansson

Agree. As location I have often used a mental hospital. A place everyone knows but few have seen. Has worked fine. I have also used the academic research world as a location, because that is where I have my background, and others like it.

Maurice Vaughan

I haven't written a script that takes place in a mental hospital, Göran Johansson. If I do write one, I'll try to focus on different aspects of the hospital so my script will stand out from other scripts and movies that take place in mental hospitals.

Mark Garbett

"It's like Speed 2, but with a bus instead of a boat"

Pat Alexander

Horror movie at a children's play place

Nick Phillips

Göran Johansson I shot a film at an abandoned mental hospital a long time ago and man was it creepy! I've also produced a TV series which shot at an abandoned prison, also extremely unsettling. Horror movies always take you to the most glamorous places! : )

Debbie Croysdale

Good point @Maurice Also if can only get free locations think of the most unlikely thing that would happen there. An interesting prop or focal point is also a cool idea in one/few location low budgets.

Maurice Vaughan

Great advice, Debbie Croysdale! I search online for props and try to build stories around them.

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