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The film Universe 3D will give the audience a stunning visual look into the beauty and magnificence of space while at the same time providing them with an appreciation for the vast- ness of the universe, and how it was formed. You (The Audi- ence) will be personally navigated by Commander Jack and his crew through the farthest reaches of the universe. Es- timates of the size and scope of the visible universe are almost beyond comprehension; 10 billion trillion stars; scattered throughout 100 billion galaxies; spanning 94 bil- lion light-years across. A common theory among scientists is that the universe is expanding, and what can be seen with telescopes may only be a part of what actually exists. This film will take the viewer on a spectacular journey of explo- ration through the cosmos that is only possible by utilizing the actual images taken by the world’s largest and most powerful space-based telescope. The conversion of these 2D images into 3D will make the film a more realistic and interactive viewing experience; as if you are an astronaut traveling through space in a futuristic spacecraft at speeds that defy the current laws of physics. This is the only way that a present day audience can simulate crossing the space/time continuum of the universe in their lifetime. As we depart from planet earth, the movie-goer will tour our own sun and solar system (and its evolution), before voyaging into deep space. They will encounter comets and asteroids, and the impact they have had on our solar system. They will travel to distant stars and galaxies, and witness the birth and formation of new stars and galaxies. The mystery of black holes and supernovas, (and their effect on the universe) will be observed and explored. New planets orbiting around other stars will be revealed, along with the possibilities for life existing on these planets. This 3D movie will show the awesome power and brilliance of our incredible universe in stunning detail, as nature continues to create its artistic masterpiece across an ever-expanding canvas.