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A cricket born and bred to be pet food escapes his fate and embarks upon an exciting adventure full of danger, discovery and unexpected friendships.
Davy is one of a million crickets born at the Maddox Cricket Ranch. But Davy feels different and yearns for more than just three meals a day and a warm place to sleep.
It's only after he manages to escape, however, that an ugly truth is confirmed: Davy's place in the world might just be to become part of the food chain. And, unfortunately for Davy, crickets are very low on the edibles totem pole.
In order to survive, Davy teams up with a few unlikely friends, while equally making his fair share of hungry enemies.
Facing an uncertain future, Davy is relentlessly pursued by Marten and Louis, two wolf spider brothers fueled by sheer blood lust for a meal that got away.
A praying mantis named Lisha has Davy in her deadly sights, as well.
Additional colorful characters Davy encounters include a bird named Wyatt Chirp, a cannibal snail called Jim Gooey and dung beetles, Dunga Ben and Cowa Dunga. Davy also develops an unexpected romantic relationship with Tricket the Cricket.
Davy's thrilling adventure culminates in a final high noon standoff against the wolf spider brothers and the mantis at the Alamoo.
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