I am thrilled to announce that Stage 32 has led me to my next project! Thank you Stage 32!! I will be playing a principal role in the film King Eternal, written and directed by Christiano Dias. Please visit his page, and help make this wonderful and imaginative script a reality by joining our fundra...
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Kudos, Lisa
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Love the Stage 32 success stories. Keep 'em coming!
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Always love when people share their Stage 32 experiences with the rest of the community. A little inspiration and affirmation goes a long way.
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Richard, I agree. Reading stories like Lisa's is a great way to stay focused on what I'm doing and to know that Stage 32's members are available to me, give me great comfort. I can find people in my own home town, my state and many other people all over the world.
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Creativity is universal, Tahiera. As is the selfless spirit of a true collaborator. Thrilled to hear the site has been a benefit to you. Thanks for posting.