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Dream is a movie I would like to share with Disney. Since they have done Soul, and Wish Dream is a movie where some kids end up in a Dreamworld and save it from an evil king.
James Walker and his sister Dylan end up living with their uncle Stan Walker who has been a grouch since his wife Linda passed and tells James as the older brother he needs to look out for his sister. Then one day Dylan finds what looks like a painting of a portal and then finds it goes to the Dreamworld where dreams are real and powered by dreams of humans meets a local girl named Gaia who seeks to serve King Vega the benevolent ruler. But when the meet him he dismisses them and shows that he only cares about using the dreams to power himself. Claiming that it’s to protect their world from Nightmare enemies who killed his brother King Morpheus and Queen Calla and nephew Prince Alac and sends them away, Dylan returns with James and his love-interest Grace, and they decide to return the dreams and, in the process, run into a young man named Al who helps them. James and Dylan find Stan’s dream and Linda’s dreams but are soon targeted by Vega and then learn Al is Prince Alec who ran away believing he caused the death of his parents and had been in self-exile since.
While making their escape they find one of the Kings elite guards a former captain Aiello who shows them the truth that Morpheus and Calla and the rest of the Royal council to locate Alec who remembers Vega left him there by accident, but they were informed Vega and Alec were ambushed by Nightmares and Alec was captured and Vega was sent back to them with a message. When they arrived, they were attacked by Nightmares and betrayed by Vega. Who manipulated Alec into exile thinking he caused their deaths. Vega’s forces capture them, but they escape and meet the Nightmares who have been imprisoned by Vega to follow him. James, Dylan Grace, Gaia and Alec break into the Dream Tower where dreams are stored and free them, but Vega captures them but Alec reveals himself and exposes his uncle and Dylan and the Nightmares to fully expose Vega and Vega uses dark magic he had been using in secret to control the Nightmares but Gaia and Grace convince everyone to make a new dream and Vega loses his powers. Vega begs for mercy and is imprisoned in the dungeon with criminals he betrayed. Alec becomes King and Gaia becomes the Queen and make peace with the Nightmares.
James and Dylan return to their world with Stan’s dream and returns it to him along with Linda’s dream, and he becomes friendlier, and James and Grace become a couple.
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I'm no screenplay writer but as a filmmaker I need to read more details in your logline. Kevin Hager What do you think Maurice?
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I agree, Pat Savage. Here’s a logline template that might help, Kevin Hager: After/when ______ (the inciting incident/event that sets the plot in motion), a _______ (the main flaw the protagonist has to overcome in the script or an adjective that describes the protagonist’s personality) _______ (the protagonist’s position/job/career) tries to/attempts to/fights to/struggles to/strives to/sets out to/fights/battles/engages in/competes/etc. _______ (goal of story and try to add the obstacles here) to/so/in order to ________ (stakes).
The inciting incident can also be at the end of the logline: A _______ (the main flaw the protagonist has to overcome in the script or an adjective that describes the protagonist’s personality) _______ (the protagonist’s position/job/career) tries to/attempts to/fights to/struggles to/strives to/sets out to/fights/battles/engages in/competes/etc. _______ (goal of story and try to add the obstacles here) to/so/in order to ________ (stakes) after/when ______ (the inciting incident/event that sets the plot in motion).
Loglines are one or two sentences. A one-sentence logline sounds better, and it takes less time for a producer, director, etc. to read it. Try to keep your logline to 35 words or less. Long loglines can make producers, directors, etc. pass on a project.
Avoid using “must” in loglines. “Must” usually means the protagonist is forced to do whatever they need to do in the story instead of doing it willingly. You might need to use “must” in a logline though, like when the protagonist is forced by another character to do something.
Sometimes I put the location and date that the story takes place in instead of the inciting incident if it’s a Period Piece script.
All stories don’t follow this logline template. Biopics, documentaries, and Experimental scripts might not follow the template. The series logline for a TV show can follow this template, but the pilot logline and episode loglines for the show might not.
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