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Third in line to lead the Ottoman Empire, Selim the Grim murders all opposition to become Sultân, including his sons, father, and brothers, proving himself to be a capable but murderous leader.
The year is 1513 and opposition to the Sunni faith arises in Anatolia. The opposing religion, Shiism, must be eliminated.
Selim, third in line to become Sultân of the Ottoman Empire, ruthlessly responds to the Shi’a challenge, kills his brothers and banishes his father.
He also arranges for the execution of his own sons and relatives to ensure the empire’s survival for his oldest son, Suleiman.
Fratricide, a practice customary in the Ottomans and encouraged by Selim’s mother, Gülbahar Hatun, nevertheless creates lasting conflict with Selim’s wife, Hafra Sultân.
Selim confronts the Shi’a challenge and purifies the land by destroying massive numbers of Shiism adherents. Selim humiliates the Sultân of the Safavid Dynasty, Shah Ismail, who is venerated as Messiah and Prophet, at the Battle of Chaldiran.
Selim parades his army through Tabriz, the Shi’a capital to further insult Shah Ismail.
Giovanni de’Medici takes control of the Papacy as Pope Leo X by riding into Rome in a procession accompanied by cousin, Bishop Giulio and life partner, Antonio.
At the end of the episode, Giovanni learns that a powerful new enemy, The Turk, has taken over as Sultân of the Ottoman Empire and has ruthlessly defeated the Safavid Dynasty. He realizes that Selim is a foe who must be defeated.
Leo is encouraged that God is on his side when the plague strikes Constantinople with massive numbers killed.
Selim’s goal, become strong enough to eradicate Christianity, requires that he first conquer another foe, the Mamluk Dynasty, which he does in Episode Six, Selim.