Alex Goulding: Author, casting director and crew in Hull, United Kingdom.

Alex Goulding

i'm looking for a presenter.

Una Love

Do you have some more details please? Make, female, subject matter, programme or advert, TV, radio or internet, etc? I might be able to put you in touch with somebody.

Jamie Pugh

I am also interested. I'm 15 and live in Scunthorpe (not far from Hull). Please could you mail me details if possible :) Jamie

Alex Goulding

Yin and Yang chicks

This video is about 2 little chickens named yin and yang. The two of them fight over some food until a baby dragon named emerald makes the chicken be quiet.

Yorgos Panagiotopoulos

Hi Alex, thank you for connecting.

Tom Paini

Hi Alex.. Thanks for the add...

Leontist Fizer

Hi, Alex. Thank you for connecting with a fellow writer:). How are you? I miss the UK,. Have to visit again soon

Daniel Buhr

HI! Thank you for your friend request! Nice meeting you. Let me know if you ever need my service in some way. Please visit my webpage for more info and some samples. And if you like visit my FB page also. Hope hearing from you and what i can do for you. Have a nice day! https://www...

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Graham Cawte

Hi Alex, could you give me some idea of the character ages, also, is this paid or unpaid. Graham

GENRE: Adventure, Animation, Family, Fantasy
LOGLINE: A teddy bear named Lily gets lost in the park. She's attacked by a dog but saved by a Blue Bird. The Blue Bird helps the bear find her way home.
GENRE: Animation, Family, Fantasy
LOGLINE: Yin and Yang are little chickens fighting over food, when a baby dragon comes and stops it. In the end the two little chickens share the food.
Alex Goulding

Almost finished. Will be starting a second one and making it into a little series of adventures for the two chicks.

Chelsea Boreham

Hi Alex, Thanks for the connection.

Alex Goulding
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Charlotte Greenwood in a Fairy Fantasy

Charlotte Greenwood is a 10 year old girl. She made this video to tell everyone how she had seen and spoke with fairies. She is woken in the night by a blue light in her wardrobe and is pulled into it. Directed and edited by Alex Goulding. Art drawn by Jan Yan Kung. Charlotte voiced by Freya Gillson. Mum Jane voiced by Mel Hayward. Dad Toby voiced by Jason Gregg.

GENRE: Action, Horror
LOGLINE: Zombies are brought back to life, can Gareth and friends stop them before they kill everyone.
Gabriel Joseph Fernandes

I really like the story!

Karl P. Werleman

Hello, Are you still looking for voice artists? You are welcome to have a listen to a couple of demos on my profile... Regards, Karl

Alex Goulding

write and scribble 3d logo

write and scribble 3d logo

Alex Goulding

girl's bedroom

new write and scribble home page.

Alex Goulding


This is a short but sweet animation of using magic.

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