Milt Barlow's Lounge Discussions

I'd like to introduce myself

Hi! My name is Theo and I am an 11 year old actor from Pennsylvania (don't worry about interacting though, my mom is in charge of all of my sites). I started acting when I was 8 and have done feature films, short films, TV, commercials, web-based media, and modeling for print. I love acting, especia...

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Antonio Ingram

I like fierce dramatic roles too Theo. Best of luck to you man.

Lina Jones

Hello and welcome to the Stage! :D

Milt Barlow

Welcome Theo ! Milt.

Theo Van Golen

Hello and thank you to all!

Richard "RB" Botto

Hey Theo! Great to have you here, big guy!

Amy Suto
Web Series Showrunner -- Introducing Myself

Hi there! My name is Amy Suto and I'm the creator of the USC student web series Antidote 15, a short-form thriller about a theater major who is poisoned and has 15 hours to find the antidote. As of right now I'm looking to expand our team for the project moving into season two, and I'm looking for p...

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Milt Barlow

Hey Amy. Le me know if I can assist! Cheers Milt

Richard "RB" Botto

Congrats on the series, Amy.

Amy Suto

Thanks Richard!

Adam Pachter

Great concept, Amy! DOA without the D. . .we hope!

Dorian Cole


Milt Barlow
Welcome To All The New Members

Well its back to introduce yourself or in my case reintroduce yourself ! RB has created such a great family at Stage 32 and if your new then you will love it. I have had great support from Stage 32 members. After a year in development on January 1 we launched First Rites Films which is an 'incubator...

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Beer Nan

Enjoyed your insight of the industry.

Richard "RB" Botto

Great to see you, Milt. Thanks for the good words.

Milt Barlow

Have you sub titles this ? Best Milt

Leni Smoragdova

I have not)

Matt Burns
So Sorry (a short comedy)

Here is a short, experimental comedy I made called SO SORRY. It's about a young, neurotic man who nearly drives himself insane while rehearsing what he's going to say to a family of mourners at a wake. Link:

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Hi Matt, Way to go brotha! Keep making films! If you can't find anyone to help out when you got the inspiration, DIY! Major Props for your enthusiasm and dedication. Peace

Matt Burns

Thanks man! I appreciate it.


You got it! Keep rockin' mate!

Ivan Alexei Dominguez


Matt Burns

Thanks for watching!

Aze Director
High School Student Film - Need Feedback

Hi everyone, I'm needing some feedback on this short xfv test film I Directed, Shot, Edited and did vfx for. I would like to know what I could improve on.. thanks!

Milt Barlow

Nicely done Aze. I agree you might want to tweet some of the audio but overall very impressive. Could we upload this to our site ? Best Milt

Aze Director

Thanks Milt, sure you can post it on your site!

Milt Barlow

Great thanks Az. Will go live today ! Best Milt

Demiurgic Endeavors

Don't jab your arm forward to simulate handgun muzzle flip or recoil, 95% of people watching won't care. Either flick your wrist or jerk your forearm upward. Nice effort overall.

Billy Marshall Stoneking

fix sound

Lovell Morgan

wat kind if camera you use

James Kopp

The Black Magic Camera.

Milt Barlow

Great James. Could we upload this to our site to help you spread the word ? Best Milt

Ron Cooper

Hi James, Kaleigh Group Entertainment is now accepting films for distribution. We have traditional and Out of the Box distribution channels. We get paid commission, so there are NO up front fees. I would like to discuss this with you. Contact me if you are interested.

James Kopp

We are going to make the second episode next month. We only have the one so far. But I would love to know more about your company.

Andrea Bosshard

I am Wellington, New Zealand based filmmaker. I have been a member of Stage 32 for some time, but I continually struggle with my ambivalence about spending time on social networking rather than getting on with the job of making films. But as I am realising, the two are becoming increasingly intercon...

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Andrea Bosshard

Hope you enjoyed it, Deva.

Andrea Bosshard

I make films and have done so for many years and I want them seen. With the conventional distribution structures collapsing, it is important to explore other avenues including engaging directly with o...

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Milt Barlow

Greetings from Auckland. I tried to have a look at this Andrea but the link is not working. More than happy for you to upload to our site to gel;p spread the word. If I can assist more than happy to ....

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Tom Clapson
My latest documentary

Hi everyone I'd like to share the trailer for a documentary I've been DOPing, please feel free to like, comment, rate and share this to spread the word. I've been passionately working on this between paid work on and off for a year, sometimes even having to decline paid work. The final film is looki...

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Milt Barlow

Nicely shot Tom. Happy to have it on our site at any time ! Best for the finished product Milt

Andrew Sayre
Help get my film on netflix

A few years ago I made a feature length film titled, 'Whatever Makes You Happy'. I did the fest circuit, got into a few, won an award or two, and have been working with my distributor to get the film out there as much as I can. Last month my distributor told me that he is working to try and get my f...

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Jon S. Alon

Watch my Make Money Self Distributing Your Film:

Milt Barlow

Hey Andrew. Good luck with Netflix. We now have geo blocking by country for filmmakers so if you want to get some exposure and get your film out there you can upload to our site and only have it play...

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Dante Aubain

I'm proud to say I had the chance to collaborate with my best friend, Joe Reizer for his Senior Thesis Film at Fairleigh Dickinson University! Here's the trailer... FIRST PREMIERE: FDU's Thesis Night Tuesday - May 6, 2014 @ 6pm. AMC Theaters 145 Route 10 E...

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Milt Barlow

Nice . Good luck for May 6. If we can help you spread the word just yell ! Best Milt

Ron Cooper

Hi Dante, Kaleigh Group Entertainment is now accepting films for distribution. We have traditional and Out of the Box distribution channels. We get paid commission, so there are NO up front fees. I would like to discuss this with you. Contact me if you are interested.

Eduardo Aguiar
Venezuela la lucha sigue

Looking for distribution of my new documentary about Venezuela. Its in spanish with english subtitles an hour and a half duration . It looks at the development of the Bolivarian revolution, it's historical precedents and where it's heading.

Milt Barlow

Is it finished ? Anything to see ? Best Milt

Eduardo Aguiar

Hi Milt, I just finished the english subtitles for the film in Vimeo. Where should I send you the link

Milt Barlow

Hi Eduardo. We do not do links. You need to sign up with an account - Once done you can upload any of your films. All free and we are NON exclusive. Look forward to welcoming y...

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Ron Cooper

Hi Edurado, Kaleigh Group Entertainment is now accepting films for distribution. We have traditional and Out of the Box distribution channels. We get paid commission, so there are NO up front fees. I would like to discuss this with you. Contact me if you are interested.

Hello 32 community!

Hello 32 community! I am new to this group, but so so happy to have found it! I am new to the LA area and am working on...getting work! I am an actor and figure skater! I also helped start a theatre company back home that is still going strong! It is so nice to have found what looks like a supportiv...

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Heather McLaughlin

It's so awesome that you figure skate! wow!

Natalie Reiko

Thank you very much!!!

Nate Cannon

I wish I was new to Cali. Instead I'm stuck in snowy Minnesota. Someday I'll escape this frozen tundra and call LA home for good!

Joe Becker

Welcome to the group. I have been a member almost from the beginning. there's a lot of good information and great people. with friendly advice. I love it.

Milt Barlow

Welcome to the nicest group in town Natalie. Best Milt

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