Ezekiel Mutasa: Director in Harare, Zimbabwe.

Becca Carroll Guido
Class Group for AFM

Hi Guys, I had mentioned in class about setting up a private group on Facebook where we could gather & touch base during AFM. I was wondering if you all were still interested? I can be found on FB as Becky Carroll Guido :)

Crystal L Brooks

Thanks for creating this Becca. I just joined it.

Ezekiel Mutasa

yes will join you on FB

Patricia Serrano Chungsathaporn

I'll join you as well!

Lisa Russell
New to the group

Hi everyone, I haven't been able to join the first two sessions because I'm in Kenya and the timing is difficult. But I've watched the videos and feel like I know you lol. Just wanted to introduce myself as I'm going to try to make it next week.

Just a little about me. I'm an Emmy-winning filmmaker w...

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Kevin Anthony Ryan

Cool Lisa! Nice to meet you.

Lisa Russell

Nice meeting you all too.

Ezekiel Mutasa


Anna Marton Henry
My outline is a mess...

On the show I'm currently working on, we went through 7 outlines before the first draft of the script (I just checked) - and then of course things still changed. The first three were pretty much a total loss. Ok, we did save some scenes, but they just didn't work. I told you all to get into the worl...

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Ezekiel Mutasa

You can say that again

Ricki Linksman

I am glad you shared your story if the 7 outlines so we don't feel so discouraged. I must have 40 drafts of my feature film script beforeit was ready to pitch to anyone! I used to do oil painting and recall how many layers and flecks of lighting it took to turn a sketch into a masterpiece.

Ezekiel Mutasa

Thank you for the invite to connect.

Darryll Lloyd

No problem Ezekiel!! Nice to meet you!! Let's work together someday!!

Eddie Damutoni

Hi my name is Eddie a filmmaker currently i'm working on a series of short films, looking forward to making it a series short films. Will share the trailers soon for feedback.

Ezekiel Mutasa

Hi Welkcome and thank you for the linkup. I am Producer Director based in Harare

Ezekiel Mutasa

Hello Lindiwe thank you for the invite to connect and welcome to the stage. I am based in Harare, commercials, music videos, films and commercial photography. Lets meet up some time and see what could be of mutual interest. My cell 0771506700, whatsapp # 0771506700. Goodday

Thank you foe the connect how are things in Byo?

Dianna Chycki

Nice meeting you virtually. Many thanks for inviting me in your network. Apart from hosting a weekly online radio show, Beach Corner on www.beachboosterradio.com, I co-chair the Wasaga Film Festival (WFF). Submissions are from May 1st to November 27th, 2015 for our 5th annual film festival scheduled...

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Beach BOOSTER Radio
Beach BOOSTER Radio
Beach BOOSTER Media Group | Wasaga Beach | Ontario
Ezekiel Mutasa

Hi thanks for the invite greatly appreciated

Ezekiel Mutasa

Hi many thanks for the invite. Greatly appreciated.

Sabenita - Montreal Canada

Hi Ezekiel, quite an awesome name, Wish you evrything you desire in life PLUS, a GREAT HEALTH, Love , Hapiness,Joy,Serenity , posperity, let me know how you are doing! Have a great day, Blessings to you!

Ezekiel Mutasa

Hi many thanks for the connect greatly appreciated.

Ezekiel Mutasa

Greatly appreciated thank you for the invite to connect..lovely work

Ezekiel Mutasa

Many thanks for the connect greatly appreciated.

Ezekiel Mutasa

Hi great thanks for invite

Thabiso V. Dube

Sure sure! makasimba here?

Ezekiel Mutasa

Hi thanks for the invite. Hopefully meet up soon

Ezekiel Mutasa

Hey thanks for the connect

Ezekiel Mutasa

Hey invite greatly appreciated. Loved your reel and African connection. Hope we get chance to collaborate in the near future

Ezekiel Mutasa

Welcome to the stage? Appreciated.

Farai Fafifi Kuzvidza

Thank you very much

Ezekiel Mutasa

Thanks for the invitation greatly appreciated. What's your connection with the film world I see you run a welding school?

Ezekiel Mutasa

Hey Nathan how is your summer? Greatly appreciate the connect. Lets see what we can collaborate on.

Ezekiel's network

Delores Wheeler
Carrie Ann Fisher
Anna Marton Henry
Stephen George
Christof Davis
Lennon River
Federico Aletta
Makaria Elixabete
Marty Chartrand
Steven James Wandling
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