Hi Guys, I had mentioned in class about setting up a private group on Facebook where we could gather & touch base during AFM. I was wondering if you all were still interested? I can be found on FB as Becky Carroll Guido :)
Hi Guys, I had mentioned in class about setting up a private group on Facebook where we could gather & touch base during AFM. I was wondering if you all were still interested? I can be found on FB as Becky Carroll Guido :)
Hi everyone, I haven't been able to join the first two sessions because I'm in Kenya and the timing is difficult. But I've watched the videos and feel like I know you lol. Just wanted to introduce myself as I'm going to try to make it next week.
Just a little about me. I'm an Emmy-winning filmmaker w...
Expand postHi everyone, I haven't been able to join the first two sessions because I'm in Kenya and the timing is difficult. But I've watched the videos and feel like I know you lol. Just wanted to introduce myself as I'm going to try to make it next week.
Just a little about me. I'm an Emmy-winning filmmaker who has usually worked as a contracted documentary filmmaker and curator for the UN. I've written my first script - A Revolutionary Act - based on the true story of my dear friend Pete O'Neal who is the Founder and Former Chairman of the Kansas City Chapter of the Black Panther Party who's been living in exile in Tanzania for the past 50 years. My script has placed in a few top tier festivals including Nicholl, WeScreenplay Diverse Voices, Screencraft Drama and more. I've set it in the context of a U.S Truth and Reconcilliation Commission and have a subplot that relates to the current BLM movement. I think it's very timely and an important story to tel.
As Pete just turned 80 years old this year, I'm hoping to get this film made as soon as I can so that he can be a part of the celebration of his legacy (if you have seen the POV doc, A Panther in Africa, that's him!)
Would love to talk with anyone interested or have suggestions and also am happy to give feedback to anyone else interested.
Thank you and looking forward to meeting you all - your projects sound really amazing. I'm excited!
Cool Lisa! Nice to meet you.
Nice meeting you all too.
On the show I'm currently working on, we went through 7 outlines before the first draft of the script (I just checked) - and then of course things still changed. The first three were pretty much a total loss. Ok, we did save some scenes, but they just didn't work. I told you all to get into the worl...
Expand postOn the show I'm currently working on, we went through 7 outlines before the first draft of the script (I just checked) - and then of course things still changed. The first three were pretty much a total loss. Ok, we did save some scenes, but they just didn't work. I told you all to get into the world as late as possible, but in the first outline we were getting into the world a season too late. We were trying to cover "backstory" in flashbacks and the backstory was more interesting than the regular story. Sometimes you have to begin at the beginning. We started all over again. In the second outline the A-story was sort of there, but the B-story went totally off the rails into something complicated that had nothing to do with the pilot and was overtaking everything else. The entire storyline was trashed. In the third draft, the B-story worked pretty well, but somehow the C-story and the A-story got flipped. The main character was in a quarter of the pilot, and what was supposed to be the C-story had all the main decision moments and all the act outs. Sigh. The fourth version finally had all the major bones there. The ending made no sense. There weren't enough character beats. A lot of work was left to be done. But we knew we had something...
You can say that again
I am glad you shared your story if the 7 outlines so we don't feel so discouraged. I must have 40 drafts of my feature film script beforeit was ready to pitch to anyone! I used to do oil painting and recall how many layers and flecks of lighting it took to turn a sketch into a masterpiece.
No problem Ezekiel!! Nice to meet you!! Let's work together someday!!
Hi my name is Eddie a filmmaker currently i'm working on a series of short films, looking forward to making it a series short films. Will share the trailers soon for feedback.
Hi Welkcome and thank you for the linkup. I am Producer Director based in Harare
Nice meeting you virtually. Many thanks for inviting me in your network. Apart from hosting a weekly online radio show, Beach Corner on www.beachboosterradio.com, I co-chair the Wasaga Film Festival (WFF). Submissions are from May 1st to November 27th, 2015 for our 5th annual film festival scheduled...
Expand postNice meeting you virtually. Many thanks for inviting me in your network. Apart from hosting a weekly online radio show, Beach Corner on www.beachboosterradio.com, I co-chair the Wasaga Film Festival (WFF). Submissions are from May 1st to November 27th, 2015 for our 5th annual film festival scheduled January 23rd, 2016 in Wasaga Beach, Ontario, Canada. There are no entry fees. Currently we are revamping our website with our new marketing logo and will go live within the week. Feel free to visit our site at www.wasagafilmfestival.com or our Facebook page for the latest updates. Wishing you continued success! Dianna
Hi Ezekiel, quite an awesome name, Wish you evrything you desire in life PLUS, a GREAT HEALTH, Love , Hapiness,Joy,Serenity , posperity, let me know how you are doing! Have a great day, Blessings to you!
Thank you very much
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Thanks for creating this Becca. I just joined it.
yes will join you on FB
I'll join you as well!