Brian Aldrich: Screenwriter, playwright and story analyst in Westwood Village, Los Angeles County, California.

Jacob Hayworth
Moving to LA in August. Looking to reach out and meet people.

Hello! Just wanted to make a post on here, saying that I am a small town midwestern from Iowa. I am moving out to LA in August with my brother. I am looking to meet people, make connections, and just learn more about what the life of LA will be like. I know I'm one of thousands, maybe millions, that...

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Jonathan Medina

Welcome Jacob. Good luck with the move.

John Guinn

That is great Jacob.

Tom More

Nice variety of shots! Strong reel.

Aline Kras
BTS and still photography

Hello there. I am passionate about being on set and photographing the magic happening in all ways. I have experience as a cinematographer and camera op for a documentary film, a few interview series and web series, and I am looking to be more supportive of projects that are already happening as a st...

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Brian Aldrich

Welcome and Greetings!

Aline Kras

Thank you so much!

Megharaj Pawar

Nice portfolio

Dawn Campbell
Do I Belong Here?

Greetings Everybody, My name is Dawn and I am a playwright, so I'm not sure I even belong here (lol) but I would never turn down an invitation, especially one that offers me the opportunity to be a part of a community such as Stage 32. It's taken me quite a long time to post this introduction becaus...

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Minda Powers-Douglas

Welcome, Dawn! I wondered that same thing, myself. I'm a writer who is working on a book about silent film stars, and I've been part of the development of a potential TV series for a while now. Once u...

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Brian Aldrich

Greetings, Dawn. I'm a playwright and an introvert too. Best to you!

Dawn Campbell

Thank you so much for the best and kind wishes!

Rachel Kadushin
Primarily Producing Feature Length Movies

I started as a writer with other skills to contribute to productions such as post--production supervision and editing. I have since become an expert in film business plans and have worked with several other writers to develop their works for production. I primarily identify as a producer with strong...

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Brian Walsh

Welcome to the community Rachel!

Lord Graham C Jones

Welcome Rachel. Really good to meet another writer

Brian Aldrich

Greetings, Rachel. You seem like a busy and productive person. Terrific!

Larry Binion
Introducing myself

I've been writing for about 55 years or more. I have finally published "The Razing of the Id", which is an accelerated autobiography of parts of my life. One reviewer said that the chapters would make a television series. I don't know. I wouldn't have the slightest idea of how to write a screenplay....

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Brian Aldrich

As a longtime student of Kerouac, I'm partial to autobiographical fiction. Good luck!

Larry Binion


Brian Aldrich
Can a logline tell too much of the story?

I'm concerned that one of my loglines may tell too much of the story. How much of the story should you tell up front? I want to entice people to read my script, but I fear I may be giving away the third act surprise? Has anyone had this kind of problem? What did you do?

William Martell

There aren't enough words...

Jacob Buterbaugh

People probably want to make sure that you have a story before they read your script. And you probably want to make sure that you have a story before you write your script. So IMO, your logline should...

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Bill Costantini

The most important element of a logline is "the hook." However you summarize your story in one or two sentences..."the hook" must be there in those one or two sentences. The hook is what makes someone...

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K. S
Looking to network

Hey everyone, I'm Kirsten. Over the past few years, I've created about 6 shorts for competitions, worked on a Sundance film, and was a production designer for a SFFS fiscal sponsored film. Also, I am currently involved in a screenwriting competition where I am waiting to hear if I advance to the thi...

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K. S

Currently creating a website. Will post link to this profile when completed.

Tony Fisher

Hi Kirsten, great to meet you. Good luck with the screenwriting.


Welcome to Stage 32, Kirsten!

Nevena T
Script proofreading

I am rewriting my first feature script and need a good proofreading service to check the grammar. Any suggestions?

Tina Scribe

If anyone needs an extra set of eyes on something, happy to help!

Beth Fox Heisinger

Tina Scribe, as hinted to in my comment above, and just another friendly reminder... Soliciting within forums and threads is not appreciated here at S32. Craft and business forums are for topic discus...

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Tina Scribe

Beth, apologies... I'm new to S32 and found this to be a relevant place to share my experience.

West Ramsey

Thanks for connecting!

Brian Aldrich

Excellent piece by Charles McNulty about anger in the drama.

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In defense of anger: A critic's appeal to playwrights to let their tempers fly
In defense of anger: A critic's appeal to playwrights to let their tempers fly
At a time when voters are by all accounts mad as hell and not willing to take it anymore, the conditions seem ripe for an American version of the Angry Young Men movement that transformed the postwar British theater.
Angel Matheson
Talk Show Host Angel's Table

Hi everyone, I have been away from Stage 32 for a while but trying to reconnect. I started a YouTube Talk show in March Angel's Table, which seems to be gaining momentum. Additionally, I am producing a short film and writing a TV pilot. Very busy but having so much fun.

Angel Matheson

Thank you. So much work to do to catch up on everyone's posts and projects. I've seen some nice work so far.

Brian Aldrich

Cool. I'll have to check out this show.

Angel Matheson

Thank you

Jalleh Doty
Help a first time film maker and entertainer out

Wanted: Ambitious entertainer seeking to further myself in the industry, to do bigger, better projects in directing, producing, acting and writing. Ck out my film Gallery of the Strange in Crestone CO. or my resume on thanks guys

Brian Aldrich

Greetings, Jalleh. I grew up a South Bay beach kid. Even lived in Redondo at the top of Beryl for a time. Best of luck! I'll take a look at your film. Cheers!

Thakur Irfan Panchi

Me a story writer and also a actor Waiting just for one opportunity

Jalleh Doty

thank you Brian

Eric Robles
Hey everyone

My name is Eric. I am an actor born and raised in L.A. I am currently looking for anything that comes my way but I like working in the Drama and Horror Genres. I am really looking forward to learning from and contributing to this awesome community.

Brian Aldrich

Greetings. I'm an L.A. native myself. (Raised Gardena, Live Westwood)

James Day

Greetings from NYC take the webinars and learn all you can . Best Regards Jimmy Day

Jack Binder
Jack Binder - Studio & Independent Producer, Founder

Hello Stage 32 Members, I am a 25 year producer ('The Upside of Anger', 'Reign Over Me', etc.) and started to help fellow filmmakers to be investor and financing ready. Great to be on Stage 32 connected with like minded filmmakers! Check out the site and let me know if I can help you. 35% Discount to Stage 32.

Brian Aldrich

Greetings. Nice to meet you.

Chris Hind

Welcome Jack.

Susan Bryant

HI Jack! I'll check out your site.

Alice Bowden

Hi everyone! I am a passionate actor and aspiring screenwriter. I love the business of entertainment and hope to make a lot of connections through this site! I wish you all great success in your careers!!

Alice Bowden

Nice to meet you Jonathan and Lisa! Thanks for saying Hi!!

Matthew Jason Walsh


Brian Aldrich

Greetings and welcome!

Brian Aldrich

Cute video.I'm a beach kid myself. Grew up in South Bay, went to UCLA Graduate Film School. Greetings!

Hank Nae


Stephen Barber
Taking advantage of this opportunity to introduce myself to newer/older members.

Going into another well deserved weekend, I'd like to say hello to all the newest members and older/re-activated members within this community. I'm a screenwriter who's engulphed in this way of life. I've been writing screenplays for nearly six years and I'm starting to gain some traction with my wo...

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David Bryant Perkins

Greetings Film makers...! Amanda & I report on Film Festivals and interview emerging film makers with unique perspectives in Film Festival Today magazine. You are welcome to share with us your success...

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Brian Aldrich

Greetings, Stephen. You have a full life. That's terrific!

Stephen Barber

Thanks, Brian. That is the ultimate goal.

Joey Madia
Career progressing through Stage 32

Hello everyone! I am a screenwriter, audio dramatist, and living history presenter. I began transitioning to new media a few years ago after 20 plus hears as a playwright, actor, and director, and Stage 32 seminars, groups, and special events like the Writer's Month last year have been invaluable to...

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Joey Madia

Richard: Some exciting news. My 30-minute film, We're Gonna Make (Y)our FIlm received an award from the Indie Gathering International Film Festival.

Brian Aldrich

Greetings. Like to learn more about your work as a living history presenter.

Joey Madia

Brian: Thanks for the interest! I started several years ago portraying two Civil War captains, one from West Virginia and another from The famous 54th Massachusetts, which was at the vanguard at Fort...

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Brian Aldrich
My name is Brian Aldrich

Besides the whole UCLA MFA thing, I've been writing, reading, and consulting on screenplays for years now. I've been involved with theater even longer including an L.A. based Readers Theater group. My digital feature POSTMODERN BLUES is currently in post-production. My recently completed horror come...

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Brian Aldrich

Thanks, Aray. Read your bio. Sounds good. I love horror too. Back in 1990, I had the good fortune to meet and interview ROBERT BLOCH and STUART GORDON. I've never released the interviews. They are on...

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Anita Marie Melerski
Hi! I'm a Newbie! :D

Hello there, My name is Anita. I am a screenwriter. I have been in the business for 14 years. I have a couple films that have won awards in film festivals. I was a child actor. I chose to transition from the front of the camera to behind it because my passion for storytelling outgrew my desire to po...

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Anita Marie Melerski

Thank you :)

Brian Aldrich

Greetings, Anita. Where can we see your films? Best to you!

Hamish Downie

Congratulations! I'm new myself, but I've also transitioned from performer to behind the scenes, and I love it.

Brian's network

Jeremy Thomas-Poulsen
Jane F. Cox
John Voralik
Nicholas Corda
Robert Enriquez
Jessica Ambuehl
Woody Woodhall
Mary McGloin
Camilla Ross
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