Senate Ewah -Blakspirit-: Director, art director and dramaturge in Lagos, Nigeria.

CJ Walley
CJ Walley - Screenwriter of Gritty Female Leads

Hello, since I’ve become a bit of a stranger to these parts lately, I thought I’d better take part in Introduce Yourself Weekend. A lot of you know me, a lot of you have connected with me, many of you are great friends. I would like to make many more so feel free to send me a connection request, pos...

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CJ Walley
CJ Walley
I've been a member of Stage 32 since November 2013 and I want to say something, and while I do have the opportunity to say it via the Stage 32 blog, I want to make it here, to show that it is real, th…
Debbie Croysdale

I agree @Fiona, I too love this long thread and I'm sure CJ will soon find the eye of the hurricane. @all I had a stale period of writing recently, stemming from rushing around, trying to find the rig...

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Debbie Croysdale

CJ. fans are waiting for an update of your month. If The Cat snarls when you at computer, humour with a roast supper. Hope Feature going well.

Cherelynn Baker

Sweet update! Thanks for sharing - and - coming back to visit in the lounges on Stage 32!

Maryam Sullivan
From novel to script

Hey everyone! New here and I really would love some feedback on adapting a novel into a script. I am a educator and novelist of 5 books with a MFA. I teach creative writing for a living. But I have finally garnered some interest from some investors in one of my novels and they want me to write the s...

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Peter Venema

I suggest you try the 'Snowflake method', please check it out (Google). I've just discovered it and love it!

A. S. Templeton

Or try the String of Pearls technique

Amanda Toney

Hi everyone, just wanted to chime in that we've had a couple of really great webinars about this: (taught by Jim Young who's...

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Senate Ewah -Blakspirit-
Good acting-

Is teaching/ training the ACTOR included in the director's job? freshers excluded-

Stephen Foster

well not training, but coaching, getting the actor prepped to do the scene you envision. it takes communication.

Matthew Cornwell


The director has a million things going on in his/her mind throughout production. By the time shooting starts, everyone who his hired (cast AND crew) are expected to be at the top of their game.


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C Harris Lynn

That's terrible! A director absolutely should direct! But I agree you should be at the top of your game.

Cameras for Short Filmmaking

Hi all!

I'm looking to buy my first camera for the purpose of bringing my short film scripts to life. Looking for any tips on what people like using and what you guys recommend. I understand the majority of the time good films are about how you work with the camera you've got, rather than the camera...

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Taylor Bennett

Thank you all for your tips! Very much appreciated!

Senate Ewah -Blakspirit-

hi, my keen advise is get a Dslr, even a T4I(Canon 650D) old gear can serve. Depending on your area of interest, if directing collaborate with a classmate cinematography good head, two good heads with...

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Doug Nelson

Taylor - from your photo and profile, I assume you are a fairly recent graduate (i.e. no practical experience yet). Your BS in Paramedics will certainly aid you economically in your filmmaking desire...

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Senate Ewah -Blakspirit-
Advocacy- film making-

Greetings creative, i am back again- good to know we are all developing in huge productive capacities.

My thought goes- which is the essential element in the filming process- THE untold story on the creative mind or the technical execution in the professional craft?

i am only a story teller, using visuals to tell someone's story

Allen Lynch

Welcome Senate & Good Luck!

Senate Ewah -Blakspirit-

Am back for a creative adventure. Greetings Happy people

Senate Ewah -Blakspirit-

been out for a while... how was the festival?

Director Shadadow
Motivation for filmmakers


JD Hartman

"I feel if we just "go out and shoot" that's where most of the mistakes are made. And that's where most of the learning takes place.", yeah it's not like you could learn anything from taking a film sc...

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JD Hartman

There are rules to cinematography, like the 180 rule. If you never take any classes you'll never know what you're doing wrong other than by trial and error. Bad habits are hard to unlearn. Are you sug...

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JD Hartman

I think it's a measure of how serious or passionate you are about being a successful filmmaker. Trial and error?? How will you know what you did wrong? Can you see the flaws (other than the obvious on...

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Senate Ewah -Blakspirit-

On my mind... I will give it a try. Just a 16secs short. Bless up!

Drac Von Stoller

This question is for Richard "RB" Botto. If you have several short films do you have to pay $48 entry fee for each film you submit. Sorry, this is my first time ever to submit a film to a contest. Drac Von Stoller 31 Horrifying Tales from The Dead Series

Senate Ewah -Blakspirit-

Mr. R that is the question on my mind too... So we need a feedback aight. Good do

Craig D Griffiths
Anyone interested in getting their script read?

I am thinking of starting a site/group where you can get your script read and notes supplied for free as long as you are willing to do the same for others. Am I wasting my time or is it worth my effort to get it started? What is everyone's opinion? Thanks in advance.

Victor Titimas

There are such communities such as Talentville or Triggerstreet where you get free screenplay feed-back, if you, in turn, review someone else's script...I'm just saying this so you could think differe...

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Senate Ewah -Blakspirit-

waited this long... i guess the site is running now... what is the link add?

Craig D Griffiths

Thanks Victor. I couldn't find this type of site. If you search coverage in Google all you get is paid consultants. Nearly all state that they are readers for studios or producers (but can't say who)....

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Senate Ewah -Blakspirit-
visiting the FILMMAKING lib

people with a critical insight... gist me: WHO IS CALLED A FILMMAKER?

Senate Ewah -Blakspirit-

Never forget the story... tell it passionately... no matter how what!

GENRE: Crime

A few minutes to a bomb explosion in a crowded train station, AMINA, a female suicide bomber, makes a heroic reversal-decision to save lives

Craig Anthony

Rated this content

Tasha Lewis

Rated this content

Nate Rymer

Rated this content

GENRE: Drama

A confessor hypnotizes his victims, two lovers, into sharing the dirty truth of a room-marriage

Senate Ewah -Blakspirit-

Bless for the invite.

Senate Ewah -Blakspirit-

HELLO PEOPLE, any Liberian film maker here?

Senate Ewah -Blakspirit-

back on track... where were we?

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