Arlette Thomas-Fletcher: Director, screenwriter and producer in Baltimore, Maryland.

Arlette Thomas-Fletcher

Hi, I am Director, Screenwriter, and Producer we are currently working on an animated web series. I am looking forward to connecting with other filmmakers here.

Arlette Thomas-Fletcher
Writer, Director, Producer, Singer, 'Songwriter, "Author

Hi, Everyone my name is Arlette Thomas-Fletcher. I am currently working on some animation projects. I was wondering if anyone knows of any good render farms for Maya Arnold.

Cherelynn Baker

Welcome to Stage32 Arlette! Have you posted in the Animation lounge?

Or, does this help: tell Maya to use Arnold as the current renderer. In the Render Settings dialog (from the top menu bar, Window >...

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Arlette Thomas-Fletcher
Finishing Funds

Hi, everyone! My name is Arlette Thomas-Fletcher and I am a writer, director, producer. I have two films in post production currently. Gearing up to do my Indiegogo campaign. Also on the hunt for finishing funds. I would appreciate anyone's feedback on finishing funds for feature films. Especially f...

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Arlette Thomas-Fletcher

Let Me Go-By Joel Thomas

A man is dating a woman and falls in love with her. He later finds out that she is married. He can't believe she deceived him. He just wants her to leave him...

On set of "The Lonesome Trail"

Arlette Thomas-Fletcher

Blessings in Storm

A husband loses his job has to come home to live with his mother. Bringing his wife and children from a beautiful home to sharing a place with is Mom. His mo...

Arlette Thomas-Fletcher

You're Not Alone-By Arlette Thomas-Fletcher

'You're Not Alone is a music video with heart which is shown through the artist display of emotion performing this piece. The story is conveyed through a bea...

Arlette Thomas-Fletcher


Chocolate is about the love of the fine dark skinned black women all over the world. It compliments their ebony complexion and beauty with a tribute song abo...

Arlette Thomas-Fletcher

Fire Inside Me

A contestant waiting to audition for a major television production is nervous and has a lack of confidence about whether he will be selected for the show. He...

Arlette Thomas-Fletcher

The Lonesome Trail Indiegogo Finishing Funds Campaign

A preacher comes in to a small western town in 1890s and changes it forever.

Arlette Thomas-Fletcher

The Lonesome Trail

In 1890, Mike McCray is a wealthy land-owner in the small western town of Red Springs Montana. Mike owns eighty percent of the town and is a powerful force i...

Arlette Thomas-Fletcher
Writer, Director, Producer

I'm a independent film maker in Maryland. I like doing films of all kinds shorts, pilot, music videos, feature films especially period films. My feature western film "The Lonesome Trail" is in post-production currently. I would love to connect to diff...

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Tomasz Mieczkowski

Hello Arlette, That's really cool. I'm glad to see that period pieces are not the thing of the past. Ba dum ching. :) I saw the photos on your website too, looks like it had to be a blast putting this thing in a can. You got my like on FB. Cheers.

Arlette Thomas-Fletcher

Thank you! It was a lot of fun.

Arlette Thomas-Fletcher

I am so excited about this faith based film :"The Lonesome Trail" To God Be The Glory!!! Check out "The Lonesome Trail" trailer. We want to get to at least 1,000 views on you tube so please everyone post to your page and encourage your family and friends to check it out. Please show your support by...

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Arlette Thomas-Fletcher

If You Want To Hit It

A bad guy comes to a western town and everyone is afraid he is going to start trouble. The sheriff keeps a watchful eye on him as he is traveling through. He...

A preacher comes to a small western town in the 1890s, settles in the outer lands near one of the biggest land owners in town and changes the whole landscape of the town.

Frank Richard Rogala
My first screenplay request through Stage 32 from a company doing a new movie with Robert De Niro!

When my amazing screenwriting coach/teacher told the class to check out Stage 32, I knew I had to take it seriously. I don't like to submit my screenplays around until they have gotten a bit of notice. This one just (4 days ago or so) was named an Official Selection of the Beverly Hills Film Festiva...

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Joyce Fidler

Wonderful to hear of your success!

Kate Danaher

Awesome, Frank!

Elisabeth Meier

I love this business. Congratulations.

Michael Savage Aka Sirtony Member Of Marquis Who's Who In America is my special Update site ...

Michael Savage Aka Sirtony Member Of Marquis Who's Who In America

Blessings Arlette Thomas-Fletcher ...from me and my wife Lani for the NETWORK Request...and here is some inspiration song CHILDREN OF THE was just in the EKO INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL in NIGERIA AFRICA....and will be in the World Cinema section of 7thCMS International Children’s...

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Troy Richards
Any Washington D.C. Meet ups???

Looking to meet and network with Actors and Actresses in the DMV area, but I willing to network anyone.

Stage 32 Staff - Julie

Hi everyone - make sure to check out the Stage 32 meetup in DC next week:

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Alonzo Crawford

I am very interested. Please, let me know about the meet-up. I will be casting soon for a film in the spring:,

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Todd Folts

Wish I could make it... however I am looking for a couple of folks who would be interested in doing a read through of my MFA thesis film script. 7:30-8:30 in Rockville... any takers?

Arlette's network

Alessandro de Marco
Mark Dormitorio
Fred Plimley
Matthew Parvin
Robert Sacchi
Daan Van 't Einde
Amy Kelly
Bob McCullough
Holly Adams
Mike Erickson
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