Douglas Glenn Clark's Lounge Discussions

Michael Schulman
Food for Thought

A good cook can follow almost any recipe and consistently turn out quality product. A true chef understands the “language” of cooking at a different level and can make the recipe their own. They intuitively know which ingredients can be added or subtracted, how the flavor profiles and textures can b...

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Daniel Stuelpnagel

I do feel like the writing is much like cooking in the kitchen, and I love the adventurous opportunities for risk in each art form!

Daniel Stuelpnagel

Michael Schulman thank you for including the above link to "Feature Script Read + 60 Minute Talk with an Executive," for screenwriters here on the platform. A major opportunity!

With this level of disc...

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Karen "Kay" Ross

I love this analogy Michael Schulman and after watching The Chef Show, it makes sense why so many filmmakers get into cooking (although it speaks volumes if they chose baking instead!)....

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Rebecca James

For me, it’s know the language then let go and trust... then the writer or cook elevates to the artist!

Michael Schulman

Juan, I partially agree with you. A good editor can profoundly improve a screenplay.. But I think there is a difference between editing and rewriting. True rewriting is done on the concept-level from inside the screenplay, not by marking up the page.

Vital Butinar
The last year I've been struggling to write but found a solution

So the last year or so I've been wanting to spend my downtime writing but somehow just couldn't get into the mood.

Let me say that I'm not a writer but a director who likes to write sometimes, but usually I write the first draft and then someone with more experience does the writing.

But I've had a co...

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Douglas Glenn Clark

Notebooks. cheap notebooks. pens and pencils. I like this method because I don't feel trapped in the software of the screen. Lists. I make lists -- sequences, actions (your method is strong), scenes,...

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Jim Boston

Vital, that's the way I do it, too!

I call my version an "outline/scene list," in that I try to describe how each scene's supposed to play out. Any sort of dialog I really, truly want to put into the s...

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Vital Butinar

Thanks @CJ Walley. That was a nice read and I checked out PreWrite looks interesting.

Like I said I'm not exactly a writer but I try to put down on paper the film I see in my head.

It is right @Rutger O...

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Kelli Lightfoot

I consider myself to be primarily an author - prose and literary fiction, but I woke up one day with a movie in my head and I'm in the process of writing the screenplay. And by "in the process" I mean...

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Vital Butinar

@Kelli Lightfoot oh that's cool and yeah it helps me too. I've started writing a couple of things but never finished because of this exact reason because I always got stuck. But with this one I'm just...

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Douglas Glenn Clark
PRINCE & Ownership

PRINCE taught us a lot about being an artist, community member and man. He also made it clear how important OWNERSHIP is for everyone who creates.

Jeff Lyons
Looking for authors to interview...

I'm writing an article about the realties of self-publishing in today's market. I'm looking for authors who have had traditional publishing deals and then moved to self-publish and then find out what their experience was like. How did it work, did it work, etc. If you fall into this category of auth...

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Colin Guest

I had my memoir printed as POD. But due to the high price they put on the print edition, I think I should have self-published.

Jeff Lyons

Doug--Yes, trad pubs all want you to have an established platform/online presence, etc. I got a two book deal with a trad publisher and had a weak platform, but the book ideas were strong so they sign...

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Douglas Glenn Clark

Yo Jeff -- First, congrats on winning attention with excellent book ideas. But the ongoing need to market your own work is discouraging. I often wonder how much more I might produce if not for all the ancillary demands on my "book" time. Continued success!

Douglas Glenn Clark

Colin Guest -- POD is a fine way to create a paperback. Now you can consider self-pubbing the digital edition. New platforms do all the formatting for you and help place your book at the major sites -...

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Jeff Lyons

Exactly... it's diminishing returns for me. I'm convinced the successful indie author are those who make enough money to pay social media and marketing companies to do the heavy lifting for them. It's...

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Douglas Glenn Clark
INTIMIDATION: Don't give in. Ask Robert Ringer and John Grisham

Last year I was offered a free download of a nonfiction book that I had rejected decades ago based on its title. "Winning Through Intimidation" struck me as the kind of message I would be wise to avoid. I had no interest in becoming a bully. Yet author Robert Ringer made a compelling offer by reveal...

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Douglas Glenn Clark
DRONE technology: Make movies, not war

DRONE TECHNOLOGY has gone well beyond aerial views, though that kind of footage is still amazing. Check out the choreographed film "Art of Shades - All Away" shot with a drone. The low-flying capture of intimacy, drama and flow ... is seductive. What say you?

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Marli J Monroe

This is exciting, Douglas! I love the camera work in the video and the other films sound very interesting. The NYCDFF is now on my radar. Thanks for sharing!

Douglas Glenn Clark

yeah, it's cool. I love the fluidity ... and, of course, the dance itself is gorgeous

Douglas Glenn Clark
The Memory Songbook: melody shapes us

I'd turned the TV on while I was finishing my work day. Television is like the radio for me. I turn it on when I want to be in the company of voices and music -- a community. Then it happened. I heard a musical intro to what I assumed was a commercial. I'd heard it many times before and it had alway...

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Douglas Glenn Clark
Rock it with a SHORT BOOK: Still working on your project? Maybe it is too long

Back in the days when the Great American Novel was still the Holy Grail for many young artists, writers would labor for years creating long, absorbing masterworks. Even genre fans would get into the act by churning out six hundred page horror stories or family sagas. In the digital age of publishing...

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Richard Buzzell

I agree - shorter is better. Longer books tend to be full of filler, and that makes them less interesting.

Douglas Glenn Clark

So true, Richard. In this economy and publishing environment "short" may be the only time we can give to a book. Be well, my friend.

Sue M. Swank

Novella series tend to grab fans harder seems like to me at least

Elaine Haygood

Back in the day, quite a few long books were often posted in newspapers and magazines chapter by chapter as a way of building a fan base and garnering the attention of potential publishers for the completed work.

Douglas Glenn Clark

Sue -- I love novellas. As a reader I love the length and the art. Hey Elaine - you're right about he serialization of our books. But we can do that now on blogs and even via kindle. Dividing a long w...

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Douglas Glenn Clark
Multi-Platform Hollywood: Andrew W. Marlowe expands on CASTLE

Andrew W. Marlowe is the creator and showrunner of the hit ABC television series CASTLE. The fact that the show is enjoying its eighth season may strike you as … • Dumb luck • Deserved success for a writer whose first produced screenplay was AIR FORCE ONE, starring Harrison Ford • Harmonic convergen...

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Brian Shell

Doug, I've published numerous books on a wide variety of topics, how would you suggest I promote them on multiple platforms?

Douglas Glenn Clark

Yo Brian -- you're in Ann Arbor? I grew up in Michigan. Greetings. The most obvious Multiplatform expansion for you is audio because you're also a musician. But not necessarily an entire, traditional...

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Jim Duncan

Good ideas, Douglas!

Brian Shell

Doug, excellent suggestions, and actually I'm in Ypsilanti, but since most people mispronounce it and don't recognize it like Ann Arbor, I thought a slight writer's embellishment wouldn't hurt. Besides I got my MSEE from UofM. :-)

Douglas Glenn Clark

Brian -- AA is yours, no problem. Actually, I spent a year at EMU, so Ypsi is a reference point too. Best of luck.

Douglas Glenn Clark
FUNK IT UP screenwriters and authors -- and THRIVE!

The nonfiction book idea I briskly explained to a lit agent wasn’t pulling much interest, and I was annoyed. The story involved a genuine hero during one of our nation’s most cataclysmic natural disasters. What was the problem? The central character did not emerge from the crisis as a celebrity—thin...

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Douglas Glenn Clark
MAKE STUFF: Or watch your dream die

I know the headline sounds harsh. Get over it. ​To succeed in today's entertainment/biz market it is not enough to be beautiful, cool or young. You must make something. For actors this means make a video series, a movie, a screenplay that can be pitched to production companies. The screenplay includ...

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Douglas Glenn Clark

Eric -- Fabulous story. Making stuff gives us all a chance to succeed.

Doug Nelson

I follow a simple philosophy: Just do it! Revel in your successes, learn from your failures – and then go do it again. (The Devil made me do it the first, the second time I done it all on my own.)

Douglas Glenn Clark

Hey Doug -- Excellent advice. Get 'er done, and then see what happens. Oh, and I met the devil once, too. Just once. :) Continued success.

Robert Rosenbaum

I just finished a table read of my new screenplay and am working on a preproduction plan. I can't wait any longer for other people to recognize my brilliance! LOL

Douglas Glenn Clark

Robert -- strong move. No need to wait. I'm impressed. Best of luck.

Douglas Glenn Clark
Screenwriters Transition to TV

On Wednesday I attended a panel discussion at the Writers Guild (WGA) about transitioning from film to TV writing. I've shared a few thoughts on my blog. But there is more to tell. I'll write up Parts 2 and 3 over the next couple days. Hope you find this helpful.

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Douglas Glenn Clark
From Film to TV -- WGA

WRITERS GUILD OF AMERICA sponsored a terrific seminar tonight: "Transitioning From Film to TV" Excellent panel that involved writers and producers. I'll post more tomorrow. FACT: WGA now makes more $ from TV

Douglas Glenn Clark
#WritersSalon @WGAWest

I enjoy the short cycles -- 10 to 12 episodes -- of recent cable TV. As a viewer they allow me to commit and enjoy the beginning-to-end experience. Yet today at Writers Salon sponsored by WGA it was clear that these shortened cycles also decrease writing jobs from the TV universe. Smaller staffs. Al...

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Douglas Glenn Clark
Novel to screen, screen to novel

Welcome all. And thanks Stage32 for this op. The TV novel ( True Detective, The Good Wife -- and others) continues to inspire and move me. The relationship between prose and screen absorbs much of my time. And, curiously, I'm getting more requests for screenplay-to-novel adaptations as entertainment...

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Stage 32 Staff - Julie

True Detective - one of my favorites. Outstanding performances from Woody and Matthew, for sure.

Douglas Glenn Clark

A TV novel written by a novelist. The layers ... delicious. Thanks for commenting, Julie.

Douglas Glenn Clark
Prose-to-screen adaptation: Disney or ... ?

I still remember the magic of Disney's Pinocchio. As I matured, the magnificent quest of Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea caught my attention. Both stories were adapted into excellent films. Why were they memorable. I ask because I'm adapting my LAKE FABLE. Your thoughts (FREE today) about adapta...

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Douglas Glenn Clark
Steal this opening

early Sunday a.m. OPENING SHOT. Outside PEETS. An upright citizen chastises a wanderer for smoking. "Hey, you can't smoke out here." Smoker calmly quips, "Well maybe I should smoke inside" (I laughed)

Douglas Glenn Clark

Jaime Primak Sullivan has some good ideas for pitching. This video is worth the time...

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