Joe Bitonti's Lounge Discussions

Joel Irwin
Multi-Award Winning And Nominated Composer

I'm a composer/orchestrator. Here are some details:

I am working on my 6th film of 2018 (one, "Notes" has been nominated for "best scound design") with two more in queue and I scored 8 films in 2017 (winning one "best score" for "Hotline" and nominated for one 'best...

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Composer, arranger, songwriter, orchestrator and award winning Film Composer/Scorer. Won "Best Score" in the 2017 for "Hotline" and nominated for Best Score in 2017 for "The Last Command" and 2019 for…
Diane Pancel

Great meeting you here Joel!

Joe Bitonti

Thank you Diane, you as well. Love your velvet voice.

Joe Bitonti
Joe Bitonti - Screenwirter

Hello everyone. I'm a screenwriter from Calgary Alberta with a love for Sci/fi and Fantasy. I currently have a film in post-production called "Starbright", with John Rhys-Davies, Diego Boneta, Ted Levine and Alexandra Dowling. I've also optioned a Christmas script, so keeping fingers and toes crosse...

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Sheyda Nabaee

Congrats! Wish you all the best

Tim Partridge

Congrats! We love your genres, can't wait to see them.

Reid Johns

Congrats on breaking through! Keep up the good work.

Phil Clarke


Laura Lewis-Barr

Congrats! Please let me know if you're ever open to sharing drafts and feedback on sci fi scripts.

Cassidy Keith
Planet of the Apes

"Get your stinkin' paws off of me you d*** dirty apes!" -Taylor

Joe Bitonti

"Help me Clarence, I want to live!" from "It's a Wonderful Life"

Kyle Haines
Does listening to music while writing help you?

For me it does. I can't write with pure silence. My question for you guys is that, does this help you? I've been wondering this for a little while.

Terence Klassen

As a lifetime of being a Jazz music enthusiast, I have a huge selection of awesome tunes to fit my mood and soundtrack for whatever I am writing.

Bill Albert

Yes, there are times it helps me get into the flow of things. Sometimes it's going with the opposite of what I'm writing. I was writing a serious drama and was listening to really up beat rock and roll music to help me from getting to down from the horror the characters were living.

Frank Hauser

Music most definitely helps me. Sometimes I have to make sure that I have music playing BEFORE I start so I'm eased into the right headspace, otherwise I get distracted by whatever shiny thing happens to catch my attention. #adhdwriting

Tasha Lewis

All the time. Illustration when I have been location scouting via Luxury film homes on my Stage 32 Wall, the music in each video not only motivates me but gives me story ideas.

Debbie Elicksen

Sometimes I will have music on, but when it's hair metal or a song I really love, it totally distracts me because then I feel like getting up to dance.

Joe Bitonti
New to Stage32

Hello all, I'm new to the site and just getting the hang of navigating it. I'm a screenwriter who loves Fantasy, SciFi, Adventure. A big fan of Twilight Zone, X-Files, Fringe and the idea that there is just so much out there that we don't understand. I've posted some loglines on my profile for anyone interested in taking a look.

Joe Bitonti

Hello Alle, thank you for the comments. Log lines come easily to some, like breathing. I will rework them to convey the story more succinctly.

Joe Bitonti

I reworked all but one logline, still thinking about it. Hopefully they give a clearer picture.

Joe Bitonti

Thanks for the comments Brian. All valid points and it's good to have others critique them.

Joe Bitonti

Thank you Oriel. Good luck with your script. It's an interesting twist on PTSD.

Amber Lucille Brown

Hi Joe, I share your love of SciFi. Nice to meet you. I am new here as well.

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