Monica Mindler's Lounge Discussions

Sydney S
Screenwriting Lab: Write Your Feature Screenplay in 12 Weeks with Expert Guidance from a Global Executive!!

Stage 32 is excited to welcome Thomas Pemberton for his upcoming lab. Over 12 intensive weeks, Thomas will work closely with you to outline, write, and actually complete your feature film screenplay.

Thomas will lead intimate group sessions where he will offer notes and guidance on specific portions...

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Monica Mindler

I agree, signing off as well

Daria Nazarova

Monica, class started!

Daria Nazarova

Please, can anybody post here a link for our class session 11? I didn’t get an email. Thank you in advance!

Jennifer Ford

I don't think anyone got a link for today's class! Just emailed Thomas about it- maybe he has one.

Monica Mindler

He emailed a link to try now...

Jorge J Prieto
Do ALL Movies Need To Have Happy Endings?

A quote from American Romance Author, Julia Quinn, "You always get more respect when you don't have a happy ending."

I must admit many of my screenplays for the most part don't have a happy ending, some just end on a hopeful sense or with a question mark. How do you all feel about unhappy endings? Ha...

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Jorge J Prieto

HI, EVERYONE! So sorry, an ongoing health issue has kept me away. GRATEFUL for ALL the great comments/feedback/opinions, I agree with all of them. I'll admit many of my screenplays have sad endings an...

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Jorge J Prieto

OH, OH! One last thing, I have alternate endings (happier I mean) in a few of my Specs, just in case...However, I will do my best to defend or justify my original so call "unhappy ending." Beth Fox Heisinger, you made an excellent point, thank YOU, friend. Great movie examples as well.

Monica Mindler

I prefer happy, likely because movies are an 'escape' - downtime after the stressful day, when I don't need more stress and anguish. Prefer to sit through an interesting sci-fi or adventure that draws...

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Victor Titimas

Monica, I saw a few days ago a World War II documentary and even as bombs fell on Berlin, even when the Allies were this close, the theaters were still running, movies were still made. It was done as...

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Philip B. Grindle III

HELL NO!! Personally some of my favorite endings are usually bittersweet. Like the main character lives but looses almost everyone he/she loves.

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